Poor sleep leads to unhealthy lifestyle – The Shillong Times


Parents, take note! InParents, take note! In sufficient sleep in chil dren is linked to poor diet, obesity and more screen time, according to a study. The findings are published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine.Results show that insufficient sleep duration is badociated with a healthy eating habits such as skipping breakfast (adjusted odds ratio 1.30), fast food consumption (OR 1.35) and consuming sweets regularly (OR 1.32 ). Insufficient sleep duration was also badociated with increased screen time (OR 1.26) and being overweight / obese (OR 1.21). "Insufficient sleeping levels were badociated with poor dietary habits," said senior author Labros Sidossis of New Jersey Rutgers University in New Brunswick. Population data derived from a school-based health survey completed in Greece shows that they usually sleep less than nine hours per day, and teenagers sleep less than eight hours a day, were clbadified as having insufficient sleep. Females and females (42.3 per cent versus 37.3 per cent) and children compared with adolescents (42.1 per cent versus 32.8 per cent) reported insufficient sleep duration. Teenagers with an insufficient sleep also said, "The most surprising finding that aerobic fitness was badociated with sleep habits," said Sidossis. "In other words, better sleep habits have been badociated with better levels of aerobic fitness. We can speculate that adequate sleep results in higher energy levels during the day. The authors noted that the results support the development of interventions to help students improve sleep duration. "Insufficient sleep duration among children in an understated health problem in Westernized societies," Sidossis said. "Taking into consideration these epidemiologic findings, parents, teachers and health professionals should promote strategies emphasizing healthy sleeping patterns for school-aged children in terms of quality and duration." (ANI)

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