Prevention is better than cure: damage can not always be canceled


By Dr. Chandril Chugh

We have known for a long time that prevention is better than cure, and this also applies to stroke. Stroke or brain strokes are preventable and are a lifestyle-related disease, like many others nowadays. So, in a way, the attack is a matter of choice and you can choose to prevent it. In the majority of cases, stroke is the result of years of poor diet and an unhealthy lifestyle. If we can change our diet and lifestyle, most strokes can be prevented. Preventing a stroke is not rocket science; it's simple and easy to do.

Attack or Brain Attack

A sudden loss of brain function is known as stroke or stroke. Brain attack may be caused by a blocked vessel (medically known as ischemic stroke) or a broken blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke or meningeal hemorrhage).

Is this an emergency?



Strokes can cause one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Weakness and numbness of one side of the body
  • Difficulty speaking and understanding words
  • Drowsiness
  • Loss of vision
  • Severe headaches
  • Sometimes even death

. Next Horizon Of Science: The AI ​​Diagnoses A Cerebral Haemorrhage, A Spacecraft For The …

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AI Can Diagnose A Stroke , before scientists take antimatter for a truck ride. Here's all that is exciting about technologies will shape our future. (Text: Rajarshi Bhattacharjee)

Symptoms depend on the part of the brain affected. If they are not treated in time, weakness and other neurological deficits can become permanent and extremely disabling.

Recognizing a Stroke

Remember the 7S method to diagnose and respond to a stroke:

  1. Suddenly (symptoms usually start suddenly)
  2. Speech blurred (the speech is not clear, as if he were drunk)
  3. The weak side (the face, the arms or the leg can weaken)
  4. Spinning (dizziness)
  5. Severe headache
  6. View (loss of vision)
  7. Seconds (note the time at which symptoms start and rush in the hospital, because time is crucial for stroke management and every second counts)

How Bad Is Stroke

According to a 2006 study in the United States, a patient victim of 39 ischemic stroke loses 19 lakh brain cells every minute, about 1,400 crore nerve connections are destroyed every minute and 12 km of nerve fibers are lost. The end result is that the patient is paralyzed for life and becomes dependent. It's scary indeed.

World No Tobacco Day: smoking can hurt eyes, bones and the brain

Thrill Kills

May 31, 2018

Most smokers think that smoking is cool. No matter how you do it, tobacco is dangerous for your health. Tobacco contains more than 7,000 toxins and 70 known carcinogens (chemicals that increase the risk of cancer) and can damage almost any organ in the body.

Dr. Sachin Kumar, Senior Consultant in Respirology at Sakra World Hospital, explains how smoking affects all parts of your body.

The next time you will be tempted to try, take a break and think about the consequences of your indulgence.


Treatment depends on the type of stroke suffered by the patient.

Key Factors for Stroke Care

The most important part of stroke care is not the doctor or the hospital, but the patient. Since most strokes are painless, patients tend to ignore their symptoms and delay treatment. If the patient and his family are aware of the symptoms of stroke, the patient can be brought to the hospital on time and undergo treatment.


Worldwide, stroke is the second leading cause of death. More than two-thirds of patients with major stroke do not survive beyond the first year.

Take care of these to prevent a stroke

Hypertension: The most important thing anyone can do is control their blood pressure. The easiest way to do this is to exercise, diet and, if necessary, take medication. High cholesterol: An easy way to manage cholesterol is to increase the number of fruits and vegetables in the diet and to avoid fried foods. Consuming healthy fats derived from nuts (almonds or nuts), fish oils and oils such as olive oil and flaxseed oil is also beneficial. Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) for adult lipids accounts for 20-35% of total calories from fat. An average of 50 grams of fat per day is a safety zone.

Healthy sources of fat for Indian cuisine are ghee, sunflower oil, peanut oil and mustard oil. Include all of these elements in your diet for best results. Be careful, fats can be hidden. Read the labels carefully before buying any products. If the diet does not work, then the medications can come to the rescue.

Reduce Your Liquids and Salt Consumption: Simple Tips to Avoid Chronic Heart Failure

Save Your Heart

Sep 29, 2018

Heart failure is a clinical condition in which the heart loses its ability to eject the blood to meet the needs of the body's tissues. Whatever the cause, nutritional problems must be taken into account in this state to prevent morbidity and mortality. Patients with chronic heart failure are at a constant risk of losing weight due to their poor health and dietary intake, due to a lack of appetite, lack of Depression or loss of appetite due to medication use. Dietary interventions to maintain and restore nutritional balance are essential. part of the treatment therapy. These include an appropriate change in caloric intake, a reduction in intake of sodium and fluids, the maintenance of potbadium and magnesium in the body and an appropriate supplementation of vitamins and minerals.Here some simple tips from Dr. Ritika Samaddar, Chief Nutritionist at Max Hospital, Saket.

High sugar content:
High sugar consumption is not good for your health. the body or the brain. It is important to realize this and to eliminate, or at least limit, the consumption of sweet foods such as cold drinks, fruit juices, cookies, cookies, chocolates and sweets.

Smoking: It is known that smoke that travels through the lungs in the blood and then circulates throughout the body mixed with blood is known to make blood sticky and cause strokes. So, avoid smoking and keep your blood flowing smoothly.

Diet: My advice is simple: you can eat anything from the ground (fruits, vegetables), white (low-fat milk, for example), but be aware that most refined foods are also white. You have to make wise choices here) or sometimes pink (fresh fish or lean chicken). Stay away from anything that comes out of a box, a plastic bag or a bottle.

Exercise: A secret to staying healthy is to have a healthy diet and exercise regularly. If you follow this routine, you will not have to worry about the first three points. Doctor: Your doctor is the latest strategy for preventing stroke. Always ask a professional for advice because "your brain is the Ferrari of your body and you do not take your Ferrari to a roadside mechanic".

– The author is responsible for interventional neurology at the Max Super Specialty Hospital in New Delhi

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