Prince Gohil to Address International AIDS Conference | Surat News


Surah: Gay Prince Manvendrasinh Gohil will address the 22nd International AIDS Conference in the Netherlands. The five-day conference kicked off Monday in Amsterdam and ends on July 27.
This weeklong conference is organized by the AIDS Health Care Foundation of Los Angeles, which plays a vital role in providing medicines and placing approximately 1 million people in 39 countries.

The increase in HIV / AIDS cases worldwide is a concern for everyone. Appropriate education and the generation of innovative ways of treatment is needed to help those affected, including homobaduals.

Gohil, who is also a charity ambbadador for the Aids Healthcare Foundation Foundation, will be one of the keynote speakers. He received a warm welcome upon his arrival at Amsterdam Airport.

Deborah L Birx, Global AIDS Coordinator, Martina Brostrom of UNAIDS, researchers, faculty and various health department officials from several countries will also speak at the conference.

"The theme and slogan of this conference are very clear: the world must keep its promise to keep AIDS" unhindered. "

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