Priyanka Chopra, who recently moved to the United States, shared photos with her brother Siddharth and her friends. The actor was in Mumbai to attend his brother's wedding, which had been postponed, his fiancé Ishita Kumar having had surgery.
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She also congratulated her mother, Madhu Chopra, for her new clinic and shared pictures of her 39; inauguration. The actor also shared new footage with producer Srishti Behl
Madhu opened his new business, Studio Aesthetic, a development clinic, on Monday. Priyanka wrote a touching note for her mother and wrote, "One of the biggest individual challenges we face in our life is the ability to evolve as individuals and professionals. It means pushing you to question the status quo. It's something I work on every day with everything I do. "Madhu's business partner, Neeti Kamudi, was also noticed on images shared by Priyanka.
" She's constantly reinvented herself to become her best self in her many roles. army doctor, to a film producer, an entrepreneur to a girl, a wife, a sister, a mother and a friend. And today was not different. She has taken a new step in her career with a new addition to her successful business. She is so proud to stand beside her, her partner @drneetikamodi, in her new offer, "she added.
" Congratulations mom, your ability to challenge yourself to excel in everything what you do inspired us to be the people we are today! Here are other milestones, "she said.
Priyanka is co-owner of the production company Purple Pebble Pictures with her mother. Previously, Priyanka had also shared photos of her girls' party at her friend Isha Ambani's home in Mumbai, where they had prepared homemade ice cream with Parineeti Chopra and others.
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First publication:
May 01, 2019 09H17 IST
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