Processed meat, soft drinks may increase the risk of kidney failure


If your diet includes pro-inflammatory foods such as processed meat, soft drinks, and vegetables other than green and dark yellow varieties, you are at a higher risk of developing kidney failure. Researchers, including an Indian -origin, suggest.

The results showed that diets that contribute to inflammation are linked to a higher risk of progression to chronic renal failure (CKD).

"These findings have implications for the prevention of renal failure using low-inflammatory potential dietary approaches," said lead author Tanushree Banerjee, of the University of California at San Fransisco.

Foods that have been positively related to Inflammatory marker concentrations include tomatoes, soft drinks, vegetables other than dark green and dark green leafy vegetables, processed meat, red meat, meat from Organ and fish other than black meat fish.

For the study, presentation at ASN Kidney Week 2018. Between October 23 and 28 at the San Diego Convention Center, the research team studied a national sample of 1,084 adults with RCM.

The team found that 11.1% of participants had developed kidney failure after 14 years of follow-up. 19659002] "Nutritional interventions focused on reducing inflammatory aspects of the diet should be tested to halt the progress of the RCM," Banerjee added.

Earlier, a study, published in i In the journal PLOS ONE, it is emphasized that polluted air can also increase the risk of MRC that occurs when the kidneys are damaged or can not filter the blood properly .

The study showed that people with diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure or heart problems the disease is at increased risk of developing an MRC.


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