PUBG Custom Paywall Server is needed to maintain Greene functionality


While players now have the option to create their own PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds servers so that they can play themselves with their friends, that's not all. A PUBG custom server paywall is also in effect for this luxury, unfortunately for fans.

Brendan Greene, the person who created the genre Battlegrounds as part of an ARMA mod 3, gave his two cents on the reaction that was made to Bluehole for the implementation of the paywall first instead, and his explanation is a reasonable enough: that without asking for money for each custom server, Bluehole would not be able to support the mechanic.

Of course, it still means that if you want to play against a certain group of people instead of ninety-nine rand, then you are going to have to pay out money. Although it's good for large companies with big fan bases, it's not very good for a person who wants to spend a night of play with his friends, though they can find a hundred of them. Others to do it.

Having the money to cross the PUBG custom server paywall allows players to do whatever they want with a server, by implementing their own rules, their favorite weapons, the speed at which the circle closes and how many players can be in a team. For example, a player could even implement War Mode, a mode that allows two teams of 50 players each, if they have enough money.

It is difficult to say what effect this will have on the game itself; PUBG has already lost a large number of players due to technical issues, a perceived lack of action against cheats, and a slow update schedule, and has since been adopted by Fortnite in terms of players.

I hope that the company will be able to overtake the PUBG custom server paywall to release new tricks that will attract old players, but there is no revelation yet.

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