Quadruple Rare Articular Replacement Surgery by Apollo Docs – The New Indian Express


By Express News Service

CHENNAI: A 23-year-old man has found new life and is able to stand and walk after more than four years. Thanks to Apollo doctors, who performed a rare quadruple joint replacement surgery. Amit Kar led a normal life until the age of 16, after which he began developing joint pain in the neck, hips, knees and back. The condition worsened rapidly in the following months, when his hips and knees became stiff, inflexible and extremely painful, making him completely immobilized.

He was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, a disease that destroys the spine and other joints. like knees and shoulders. This condition is more common in men and occurs in the 20-30 age group which is the first in life.

After being in a wheelchair for more than four years and trying out several therapeutic modalities in Bangladesh, Amit Kar was brought to Apollo Hospitals with completely destroyed and fused hip joints and severely damaged and deformed knee joints .

The knee joints of Amit Kar were bent at 90 degrees, which made walking impossible. Arun Kannan, orthopedic surgeon and a team of doctors Apollo Hospitals decided to perform a rare quadruple joint replacement surgery. The replacement of four joints (both hips and both knees) is called quadruple joint replacement surgery. This important procedure requires multidisciplinary care, meticulous surgery, secure anesthesia, intensive care support and specialized rehabilitation for adequate recovery.

Dr. Kannan said, "This operation was completed in two stages in two weeks. In the first stage, the right hip and right knee were replaced and in the second stage, the left hip and left knee were replaced. Both steps required wiggling fibroscopic intubation – a specialized anesthetic technique where the breathing tube is placed while the patient is awake.

The patient is now cured and rehabilitated. Since Amit Kar had not walked for several years, his hip and knee muscles were weak and could not support him. As a result, specialized rehab techniques were used to help her regain her muscle tone and strength. Initially, he walked with the support of a walker, and now he is able to walk independently.

Early diagnosis helps
Dr. S Ramakrishnan, senior consultant rheumatologist, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai, says treatment of ankylosing spondylitis a holistic approach with drugs and a regular physiotherapy program
Regular Swimming is a very good exercise for these patients
A major problem in India regarding the treatment of AS is late presentation to the rheumatologist since the disease is already advanced
Patients with AS will lead a good quality of life with a early diagnosis and regular treatment

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