Rajasthan wants to get rid of Zika virus


After the outbreak of Zika virus in Rajasthan, the state government spared no effort to take precautionary measures to prevent the disease from spreading. in the region of Shashtri Nagar in Jaipur, where the first case of Zika virus was discovered.

"At least 67 blood and urine specimens were collected (55 first trimester pregnant women, 12 fever patients and 2 contacts) Indoor residual sprays were performed in 58 houses of patients infected with the Zika virus.Mustic fogging in the affected areas of Shastri Nagar in Jaipur, "said the State Department of Health.

The department added that 324 health teams had been deployed to Shastri Nagar to destroy mosquito larvae discovered during the investigation. "324 health teams were deployed in Jaipur's Shastri Nagar neighborhoods infected with Zika virus, 11,135 houses were examined, of which 1,509 were infected by mosquitoes." During the door-to-door survey, 353 patients with fever have been identified. " According to Veenu Gupta, deputy secretary general in charge of medicine and health, the increasing number of cases is a drug needed to treat seasonal diseases such as swine flu, malaria and dengue, in all health centers . "At the same time, all District Magistrates have been mandated to continuously monitor the availability of drugs and test equipment," she added.

The disease is caused by a virus transmitted mainly by Aedes mosquitoes, which bite during the day. The symptoms are usually mild and include fever, rash, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint pain, malaise or headache. Symptoms usually last from two to seven days.

Infection with Zika virus during pregnancy can give babies microcephaly and other conbad malformations, known as conbad Zika syndrome. The Zika virus infection is also badociated with other complications of pregnancy, including prematurity and miscarriage. Pregnant women were advised not to visit the affected areas.

(This story was not edited by Business Standard staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.)

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