Random: In Netflix's black mirror, switch-type game cards are all the rage


  Netflix Black Mirror Striking Vipers

Striking Vipers is the name of one of the three new episodes of Netflix's Blackflror Season and, as usual, it is as dark as

With a star cast starring Anthony Mackie (MCU Falcon) and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II (Black Manta in Aquaman Marvel vs. DC Excitement), the episode tells a story quite engaging involving a video game style Street Fighter called Striking Vipers, which has just been improved with a VR mode if played with the TCKR system, which you plop

What attracted our attention is the box in which Striking Vipers came in – it's not quite like a Switch game case, and contains a cartridge of the same size (which, it should be said, looks like a hybrid between a switch g a card and a Vita card):

  Netflix Black Mirror Striking Vipers 3   Netflix Black Mirror Striking Vipers 2
  Netflix Black Mirror Striking Vipers 4

Mackie does not lick the basket we can & # 39; Do not confirm if it has the same bitter coating as the Switch gaming cards and no bulky atria VR Lab is needed either. Instead, the game card inserts into the controller of that console. So it seems that Google Stadium has not taken off in this alternative reality. With Google announcing plans to launch its streaming business later in the day, we wonder if it would do better in our own timeline. not yet arrived on Switch, even if we have our fingers crossed, it will appear at some point. We are all about Tetris 99 of course, but it's not a game that you can play with a tasty drink after a hard day at the office.

Let us know if you've ever seen the episode (and what you thought) with a comment below.

Thanks to Henmii for the spot!

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