You can do a lot of things with Alexa. Here's how you can add skills.
Josmar Taveras

The Echo of Amazon is a small cylinder with a seven-microphone module is powered by Alexa's intelligent personal badistant so that users can interact via voice commands to control a wide variety of services, from music to smart home devices . (Photo:

"Hey, Alexa, talk to us about on Echo and Dot from Amazon."

Okay, that does not work all indeed. But Alexa will read you the latest headlines today, simply adding the skill to the Alexa app.

This is one of the ways to get the most important news of the day for Tulare County. Get our flash briefs on all your Google Home and Amazon Alexa compatible devices, available in the local options on your Google Home setup screen and as an Amazon Alexa skill, in addition to iTunes, Spotify and iHeartRadio.

Here's how to get a flash briefing from on your Amazon Echo or Echo Dot:

  1. Open the Alexa app from Amazon.
  2. In the menu on the left, navigate to "Skills".
  3. Search "visalia" times-delta "and select the Flash Visalia Times-Delta briefing option.
  4. Press" Activate Skills. "
  5. Ask Alexa" What is it? " news? "

You can also download Flash Briefings from on the Alexa Skill Store site on the Amazon site.

You can manually add as a new source for your Google Home device through the site. Google Home app:

  1. Open the Google Home app.
  2. Select "More Settings" in the left navigation bar, then select "News".
  3. Scroll down the page and select "Add News Sources."
  4. Locate and tap the box next to to add it as a source of information for your device.

Others ways to stay informed: Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter @vtdnews and subscribe to our newsletters by email.

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