Recurrence of colon cancer: Love diet soda? It can reduce the recurrence of colon cancer


WASHINGTON: Drinking artificially sweetened beverages is badociated with a significantly lower risk of recurrence of colon cancer and death from cancer, according to a study.

"Artificially sweetened beverages have a damned reputation in the public because of alleged health risks that have never really been documented," said Charles S Fuchs of Yale University to the states -United.

"Our study clearly shows that they help prevent recurrence of cancer and death in patients who have been treated for advanced colon cancer, and that's an exciting discovery," he said. Fuchs, lead author of the study published in the journal PLOS ONE.

The researchers found that in the badysis of 1,018 patients, participants who drank one or more 12 ounce portions of artificially sweetened beverages per day had a 46% lower risk of recurrence or death than of those who did not consume it. drink these drinks.

These "soft drinks" were defined as colas containing caffeine, colas without caffeine and other soft drinks (such as ginger ale).

A second badysis revealed that about half of this benefit was attributable to the substitution of an artificially sweetened beverage for a beverage sweetened with sugar.

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<figcaption> Soft Drinks </figcaption></figure>
<p>" While the Association Between Recurrence of Colon Cancer and Death Was a Little More Strong as we suspected, the conclusion fits into everything we know about the risk of colon cancer in general, "said Fuchs.
<p>  "Factors such as obesity, sedentary lifestyle, diet-related diabetes – all of which lead to an excess of energy balance – are known risk factors. Recurrence and survival of colon cancer, we find Sweetened beverages do not pose a health risk, but in this study they are a healthier choice, "said Fuchs.
<p>  This research follows a number of study publications that prospectively followed patients with stage III colon cancer enrolled in a clinical trial supported by the US National Cancer Institute testing two different forms of post-surgical chemotherapy.
<p>  Participants completed comprehensive consumption questionnaires that badyzed the consumption of over 130 different foods and beverages over a period of several months.
<p>  A questionnaire was administered to patients who had undergone chemotherapy between 1999 and 2001, and then again six months after the end of chemotherapy.
<p>  The researchers then tracked cancer recurrence and patient mortality rates for about seven years, and found, among other things, that both chemotherapy regimens offered fair benefits.
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5 foods that will help keep cancer at bay

Natural Foods and Health

March 10, 2018

While Medical Fraternity Works for Better Cancer Remedies, There are Some Changes simple his diet to prevent the dreaded disease. The food we eat can affect our risk of developing cancer, both directly and by helping us maintain a healthy weight. Diet can also directly affect the risk of cancer. Some foods, such as processed and red meats and salt-preserved foods, may increase the risk of developing cancer. If we think about it, it is not so difficult to adopt these blessings of nature to ward off cancer. It is important to be aware of what we eat and stay away from artificial foods, high sugar consumption and reduce our consumption of chemicals. Eat healthy, eat healthy and keep cancer away from you and your family.

This is what nutritionist and sports coach Iram Zaidi recommends:

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