Red Dead Redemption 2 – 15 Things We Can not Wait To Make At Rockstar's Next Great Game


I is no exaggeration to say that Red Dead Redemption 2 may well be one of the most anticipated games of all time. The original game is widely regarded as one of the greatest of its generation, but the sequel comes on the heel of Grand Theft Auto 5, the best-selling game and most entertainment medium profitable. He represents Rockstar, the pioneers and masters of the open world, bringing their know-how to the rising generation for the first time. With the power of Xbox One and PS4, they can create a world that is bigger than ever with well-executed mechanisms. We are stunned to imagine the possibilities of what the game lets us do. So stunned, in fact, that we want to share some of the things we most want to try in the game to come with you all. Let's go then.


One of my favorite successes / trophies of all time is "Dastardly" of the first Red Dead Redemption. That's great because the game is very aware of the kind of wild-west outlaws that some players might want to be, to the point of being strangely accurate about it. Lbado and hogtie an NPC and leave them on the railroad, only to see them crushed to death by an oncoming train – have a trophy here. And I can not wait to do it again in Red Dead Redemption 2 even if I do not get a trophy.

Also, DO NOT TRY THIS ARTICLE AT HOME. In fact, do not try anything like this at home.


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