Red Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate and Special Edition Sold Out in India


The variants of Red Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate and Special Edition have been sold in India. Both versions of the game were available for pre-order in India a day after their announcement in June. In addition to having Red Dead Redemption 2 on a disc or two, it also contains additional content in the game and physical bonuses, such as a printed map and a steel book. So, if you wait for the release day to get either version, you may be unlucky. At the moment, all the online stores that were selling these versions of the game do not have it available for pre-order anymore. In some situations, those who had pre-ordered Red Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate Edition or Special Edition were downgraded and the balance was returned to them. This seems to be the case for those who have paid for the more expensive versions of the game on Xbox One and not on PS4, Gadgets 360 has learned from several customers. E-xpress, distributor of Red Dead Redemption 2, did not respond to Gadgets 360's request for comment.

"I ordered the ultimate edition of Red Dead Redemption 2 on Xbox One ", says a customer to Gadgets 360 under the guise of anonymity. . "My order was changed to Red Dead Redemption Special Edition 2 and the balance amount was returned in the form of a credit note."

It will be interesting to see if Red Dead Redemption 2 reaches India in time with some customer retailers as the game will be delayed following Rockstar's instructions. Similar rules were in place during the release of GTA V on PS3 and Xbox 360. Here's what the special and ultimate editions of Red Dead Redemption 2 were created:

Special Edition Red Dead Redemption 2

The Red Dead Redemption 2 special edition map and exclusive content for Story mode, including:

  • Burglary Mission and Gang Sanctuary : Get exclusive access to a bank robbery mission in which Arthur and two other members of Gangs are developing a bold plan to rob and rob the bank in Rhodes Town, in the south of the country. Elsewhere, Del Lobos's band has taken over a hacienda – eliminate the hiding place of this gang and steal its hiding place for a lucrative catch.
  • Dappled Black Thoroughbred : This purebred horse wearing a beautiful black coat spotted on the reverse will keep you ahead of the pack with its speed and exceptional acceleration. You will also get the exclusive Nuevo Paraiso saddle, handcrafted in dark chocolate leather with silver medallion details. This horse and his saddle are available in Red Dead Redemption Story mode 2.
  • Talisman and Medallion game bonus : These special items in Story mode will help Arthur as soon as they are equipped. By tying the Eagle Talon Talisman to his boot, Arthur's environmental awareness skill will last longer. By carrying the Iguana ladder in his personal bag, Arthur will suffer less damage on horseback.
  • Increases Gameplay, Cash Bonuses, and Discounts : This exclusive collection of bonuses, bonuses, and history mode discounts allows Arthur to survive in the harsh desert and better support his cast members. gangs and their camp. The basic boost enhances stents, health and Arthur's dead eye hearts. Earn more money during flying missions with the Van der Linde gang, or when hunting and selling animal carcbades. Get discounts on all upgrades to the Van der Linde gang camp.
  • The outfit of the Nuevo Paraiso Gunslinger : This exclusive Arthur costume for the story mode is inspired by the clothes worn by the vaqueros and bandits south of the border. The outfit includes a wide-brimmed black cowboy hat, a deep indigo coat, denim leggings, gloves and leather boots.
  • Free Access to Additional Weapons : A good variety of weapons is essential for survival in the Old West. Get free access to three weapons in Gunsmiths in Story mode: the rugged volcanic pistol, the devastating action shotgun and the versatile Lancaster Varmint rifle.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate Edition

The Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate The Edition offers all the content of the story mode of the special edition, as well as additional bonuses, such as "… a map and a steel book. In addition to the content in the game, including:

  • Extra Outfits : Get two exclusive outfits for your character online. The Blackrose Bounty Hunter outfit includes a long ox-blue coat, a vest with a gold pocket watch chain and dark pants tucked in chocolate leather boots. The Copperhead Enforcer outfit includes a fur-lined brown leather vest, two-tone gloves and black pinstripe trousers hidden in black leather boots.
  • Black Brown Thoroughbred : Concentrate on this breed with a pure black chestnut coat horse and also receive the exclusive High Plains Cutting Saddle, beautifully crafted in jet black leather with gold metal accents. This horse and his saddle are available online.
  • Free Access to Survivor's Camp Theme: Personalize your own personal online camp with free access to the survivor's theme.
  • Free Access to Additional Weapons : Access the Volcanic Gun, Shotgun and Lancaster Varmint Rifle, offered free by Gunsmiths Online.
  • Rank Bonus : A great start for all Ultimate Edition players, you can be ranked faster online. 25.

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