Red Dead Redemption Guide 2 – 15 Things You Should not Ignore


R ed Dead Redemption 2 is an absolutely gigantic game, with one of the most diverse and ambitious open worlds ever seen. It offers a wide range of activities to players, most of which you may have never learned anything from the surface when you're done with the main story. And although is quite possible to stay true to the main story and totally ignore all that the game has to offer, we would not recommend it. Some of these activities can contribute significantly to the main story, both large and small. In this section, we'll look at fifteen things you should not ignore when you play Red Dead Redemption 2 .


<img clbad = "aligncenter wp-image-362523" src = " F6D7C7AFEEAC.jpeg "alt =" Red Dead Redemption 2 [19659005] Your camp is your home base at Red Dead Redemption 2 and you'll end up coming back again and again while you play. many activities – for example, from time to time, some members of your gang may want you to accompany them to do a lot of things, be it hunting or fishing, stealing from 39, a homestead or diversion of a diligence.These appear in the form of small white dots in the camp on your mini-map, and not only are they very fun (most of the time, anyway) and can bring you many useful rewards (such as a lot of money, or skins, and etc.), they usually add a lot of context to the characters involved, with very well written dialogues and interesting conversations.


 Red Dead Redemption 2

The van der Linde gang is like a family and, like any other family, they depend on each other for feed. The gang camp requires all members to periodically contribute funds, as much as possible, to keep things afloat. You should, at least once every few hours, put some money into the camp's funds or, on the contrary, contribute to some of the valuables you find during your trip. Why is it important? Well, besides not wanting to hear sneaky remarks from your fellow gang members about how you have not donated for a long time, or to replenish your camp's food and medicine supply. , it is important for the following reason:] Red Dead Redemption 2 "width =" 620 "height =" 349 "srcset =" 468C-BFFD-7835410D9CB9.jpeg 3840w,×169.jpeg 300w, wp-content / uploads / 2018/09 / A16481A8-7BDA-468C-BFFD-7835410D9CB9-768×432.jpeg 768w, -7835410D9CB9-1024×576.jpeg 1024w "sizes =" (max-width: 620px) 100vw, 620px "/>

One of the most important things you can do with the funds of your side is to improve .You can increase the amount of food and medicines that you can find in your camp, while retaining the best of both types of supplies. Finding everything you have on your place of residence in the middle of missions can be very useful (and also very practical).


 Red Dead Redemption 2

They are not really critical of what is going on in the game (for the most part), but I would say that they are really, really important nonetheless. The conversations that your fellow gang members have constantly around the camp add a little to the experience, from the character's development to adding a lot of context to each situation, to discovering elements of the story of several characters, looking for


 Red Dead Redemption 2

Regularly, Mr. Pearson, cook and butcher of the camp, will prepare a stew for the meal. whole camp, do not skip those meals. Of course you can always feed yourself or buy your own food in the cities, but why not save that money? Keep it so that you can spend it on a beautiful, expensive horse maybe? Not to mention the fact that your own provisions do not replenish as much of your statistics at one time as Pearson's meals.


 Red Dead Redemption 2

Animal Hunting is an Important Part of Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay Loop. The Legendary Animals, as their name suggests, often offer the best rewards for hunting, which often allows you to craft some of the best gear and equipment of the game, for both you and your horse. Plus, the skins you get from these animals are selling at very high prices when they are sold, in case you want to earn some extra money.


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The Red Dead Redemption 2 are, of course, completely jumpable. To be honest, they do not add anything to the criticism of the game, but they are a great way to make a lot of money. The gold bards that you remove from some of the hunts can be sold at very high prices, so we recommend using the treasure cards you get whenever you can.


 Red Dead Redemption 2

The degradation of weapons is one of the most important mechanisms of Red Dead Redemption and it goes without saying that it is essential to keep your weapons clean. You need to make sure that you always have enough oil to fire with you because a weapon that has not been cleaned in a long time not only has much lower stats, but can also trap you at crucial moments . [19659003] CLEANING YOUR HORSE

 Red Dead Redemption 2Red Dead Redemption 2

Similarly, it is also very important to keep your horse clean. The cleanliness of your place of trust has an impact on the kernels. This means that if your horse is dirtier, he will have lower kernels, which will result in his health and endurance being recharged more slowly than usual. Make sure to brush your horse from time to time. If you do not want to do that, go swim it.


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At the beginning of the game, your gang member, Leopold Strauss (or Herr Strauss, he likes that we l & # 39; 39, call), who is a usurer, will tell you about some people to whom he has lent money, asking you to make sure you pay their debts, and he will give you new "targets" at regular intervals. Do not ignore these missions. Although their configuration may seem a little cumbersome, it leads to parallel stories and very interesting decisions, not to mention the fact that you and the camp also earn a little money from them.


 Red Dead Redemption 2

The life of an outlaw is life for you, and few things bring you a good amount of money. 39 money after a relatively easy and fast work like that of stagecoach. A few hours after the start of the game, you will meet a character who regularly gives stagecoach tricks that you can steal, and we do not recommend ignoring them. Not only does this bring you a lot of money, but flying stagecoaches is also very fun, especially if you shoot down all those who protect it with a profusion of Dead Eye mastery.


 Red Dead Redemption 2

It is very likely that you did not already know the quests with strangers in Red Dead Redemption 2 . If you are not good, you do everything correctly. If you do not have it! These appear as white question marks on your mini-cards and, as secondary missions, they can be ignored. But they have some of the best mission design, characters, writing and shorter stories in the game, so you should not ignore them.


 Red Dead Redemption 2

Riding around Red Dead Redemption 2 can take a long time (but there are many), but the game tries to keep things cool by organizing random dynamic events from time to time. People on the side of the road may ask for help in the event of a broken car, dead or injured horse, or need for medication. Helping them is usually a good idea, as it not only helps your Honor indicator, but you are also often rewarded with things, such as money and treasure maps, tips on potential flights or even what types of poison herbs that you should avoid ingesting.


 Red Dead Redemption 2

The hunt for bonuses may not be as important in Red Dead Redemption 2 as when the first Red Dead Redemption, but you still should not ignore them. Tracking criminals and bringing them back, dead or alive, is not only fun, it also brings you valuable rewards, while often contributing to your flag of honor.


 Red Dead Redemption 2

Often in the cities of Red Dead Redemption 2 you will find newspaper sellers and, just as in the first game, these usually contain very interesting information. Make sure you take the time to read one of these books from time to time as they contain some pretty interesting information about the world, as well as details and backgrounds about some of the most important characters in the world. game, including Arthur Morgan himself.

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