Red Dead Redemption Hearts Guide 2: How Heart Health, Endurance and Dead Eye Work


Among the new systems introduced in Red Dead Redemption 2 from Rockstar for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, there are the Cores, which reflect the state of Arthur's abilities. These are represented via the circular counters located just above your mini-map on the HUD. If you want to play your best, you will need to pay close attention to these cores and the bars around them.

If you have just started the game, there is a good chance that all this basic debate and bar is a bit confusing. After all, the game only gives a brief explanation of how it all works, and that is while you pay close attention to dialogue or other events. And the details in the menu only offer a lot of insight. To help you understand the basic system, we have detailed in this function how it works and other useful information to keep in mind.

If you are looking for more guides, it would be remiss not to take a look at our feature that showcases all the tips you need to know before playing. We also have guides on more specific topics, such as firearms personalization and income generation. Be sure to read our review of Red Dead 2 if you have not already done so. If you're having trouble coping with all of this, you can activate the cheat code that instantly recharges your hearts and bars. But we all know that it's not fun, read the details below!

What are hearts and bars?

As indicated, the hearts are the circular meters located just above the mini-map. You have three cores in total: health, stamina and dead eye. In addition, there are kernels for your horse's health and endurance. The symbol in the center of the circle represents the nucleus, while the ring that surrounds it calls a bar.

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While the state of your bars is more important in the moment, it is your hearts that affect your performance long-term. Indeed, your performance depends on the state of your corresponding Core. For example, the health kernel determines how quickly the health bar regenerates, as well as endurance. If your health bar is low but the corresponding health kernel has been maintained, the rate of your health will be increased.

How to recharge my hearts?

To make sure your hearts are in perfect condition, you will need to stay well-fed, well-rested and comfortably dressed in the climate you are in. Of course, you can always use objects that challenge you and can not feed or rest. ; Supplies instantly recharge your hearts and tonics will instantly recharge your bars. Be aware of what you choose to take because, although tonics are effective in the middle of a fight, they save more lives in the short term than the long-term benefit of the # 39, use of a provision.

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As you take Tonics, you will notice that some fortify specific bars; these are represented as yellow items in your bag. If you take this type of tonic, the affected bar will fill up completely and will not run out for a few moments. The shelf life of a bar depends on the quality of the Tonic. It is also worth noting that some tonics can have a negative impact on your heart, so be sure to read their description before taking them, as you may find yourself weakened during a fight or intense hunt.

Level Up Over Time Bars

The state of your hearts affects the regeneration of your health, your stamina, and your dead eye, but the more you play the game, the more powerful your measurements will become. Sprinter, for example, increases your stamina bar, while taking damage, and then restoring your health, you build your health bar. If you talk well, all of your abilities will naturally improve over time.

Stones and Horsebars

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Horse carrots are represented by hearts of health and endurance with horseshoes in the center of those which appear when you are on your horse. Although most of the time they work with your own hearts, they differ in the way you hold and increase them. Instead of maintaining the horse's physical and dietary needs overall, you develop her kernels and bars by creating a stronger bond with them. Foods and tonics can be used to help the overall effort, but it's more by driving your horse, praising it and grooming it than you will improve health and stamina. ;horse.

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