Red Dead Redemption Review – Defies Description


W do I even start here? With most games, it's easy enough to start a criticism. You can break them down into their components and talk about what works, what does not work, what makes or breaks any experience. With Red Dead Redemption 2, it is an impossible order, because it can not be divided into separate components. Everything here, from its world and its inhabitants to its mechanisms and its brutal history, everything bleeds into a whole, a coherent whole. All of this blends into something so amazing, breathtaking, that trying to put everything into words is almost a bad service.

"Everything here, from his world and the people who live there to his mechanics and brutal history, all bleeds into one coherent whole, everything blends into something that is so breathtaking, so breathtaking that Trying to put everything into words almost looks like a bad service. "

Red Dead Redemption 2 has an astonishing sharpness of vision, which he puts in value throughout his long run time. It presents what is probably the most impressive open world ever created: an astounding mbad, a breathtaking beauty and a profusion of striking details. More than any other game, Red Dead Redemption 2 completely transports the player to his brutal and breathtaking world. He constantly finds a way to take your breath away – it can be something as simple and tiny as watching your fellow gang members sit around a campfire to talk about anything and everything or from something much more important city, which still remembers this time when you almost beat to death one of their neighbors.

All this is incredibly convincing. One feels inhabited, as in a real world, rather than as a backdrop of history. Rather than exist to allow the exploits of the player, or as a sandbox allowing its many systems to interact (although it does not fail), it is simply in the service of itself. Most of the open world games have the parameters Red Dead Redemption 2 has a world . And it is a world that is a constant joy to explore for the same reasons. When you ride, you will encounter a lot of dynamic events. A poor soul by the side of the road, the leg stuck in a bear trap, could ask for help from pbadersby. A person pretending to have an urgent need for badistance can take you by surprise as soon as you stop, ripping off your horse and trying to escape from it. A group of one of your rival gangs could spot you outside at night and try to shoot you down. Grudging people may try to trap you in a unique and unpredictable way. The incendiary battles in which these situations unfold – the rifle game in general – are exciting and exciting, with notably the enhancement of Dead Eye and the elegant and elegant killcams that make every encounter exhilarating (though the mechanisms of the cover is not always as complex, smooth and responsive as you would like them to be)

What also stands out in Red Dead Redemption 2 is that there are very few dissonance. Nothing ever gives the impression that Rockstar has received less attention than any other element, that a particular mechanic or set of missions has been prioritized over other areas of the game. It is rare that the game feels the need to launch research quests on your lap, bombard you with tutorials or encourage you to choose a place of interest on the map. Everything happens naturally. If there is a poisonous herb that you should not ingest, do not learn that in a text box, you might meet a person in the wild who is in desperate need of medication, and if you tell them give it, they will tell you that they were poisoned by eating a particular herb. If you should visit a point of interest in the world, you will not see a question mark on your mini-map. Instead, while you go out at night, you will see a campfire in the distance or an imposing pillar of black smoke rising to the sky. If there are treasure cards that the game wants you to find to chase you of loot, you will not steal them in the vaults of the strong fortified forts. Instead, you might meet a treasure hunter who is separated from yours, letting him try to reason with, intimidate or simply kill him.

 Red Dead Redemption 2

"Where Most Open World Games Have Parameters Red Dead Redemption 2 Has a World ."

There is also a lot of variety in this world. If it was another open world title, I would be perfectly happy to launch words like "biomes" or "topography". But it's not a world with different distinct regions that have been stitched together to create a larger map. Such a coherent representation of a world is rare to see in games. There are deserts, swamps, frozen mountains, green plains, big cities, small towns and many more, and every place you visit is full of personality and a strong sense of identity, while remaining respectful at all. From one village caught in the midst of an enmity opposing two powerful families, to a city that is rapidly advancing towards civilization and industry while spreading toxic smoke in the air, into a small Picturesque town nestled at the foot of hills and banks As a self-proclaimed tourist attraction, every place you visit exudes character. The term "building the world" hardly does it justice.

The fact that Red Dead Redemption 2 is an almost nested game adds to this flawless authenticity. completely lacks abstractions. To clean your weapon, you are not going into a menu and do not select the "Keep" option. You physically see Arthur cleaning his firearm with a rag and oil. When you are in stores, you do not select the items you want to buy from a menu. You get them manually in the shelves (although you can buy them while browsing a catalog). There is a unique animation for each animal that you skin (you can ignore them if you wish). If you wish to change the loading of the weapons that you carry, you must approach your horse and take these weapons out of your bag.

These weapons? Like magic, they do not disappear in your pockets. You can always see them on your own. And this horse? If he's too far away from you, you can not just whistle and hope that it seems like magic; you must physically go to where you left off last. These things, these abstractions, are things that most games need to reduce downtime, to speed up the process of reading. But Red Dead Redemption 2 is enjoying this time, slowing down. He firmly plants his feet in rooted reality and never moves an inch. A potential trap is that some might consider this downtime, this refusal to cut fat, as an obnoxious or boring design. Admittedly, the abundance of traveling from point A to point B can be a little tiring sometimes. But this period of immobilization serves a more important purpose – to completely immerse the player in the world of play.

 Red Dead Redemption 2

"From a colony taken at the amidst a quarrel between two powerful families, in a city that is rapidly progressing towards civilization and industry while rejecting smoke poisoned in the air, in a picturesque little town nestled at the foot of the hills and on the verge of to become a self-proclaimed tourist attraction, every place you visit has character. "The construction of the world" hardly does it justice. "

Much of this also applies to narration. Red Dead Redemption 2 begins slowly, and he has no problem taking his sweet time with things. He fixes the pieces, puts them in position and accelerates progressively. A slow-paced story can often be a decisive factor, but when this slow pace allows everything to build to perfection, it can prove to be very powerful. Nothing ever feels in a hurry, and it is rare that Red Dead Redemption 2 ever takes a turn that is not learned. It's starting slowly, yes, but it is gaining momentum, and as things get closer (which changes depending on your choices as a player), they continue to progress. In the end, it's almost exhausting intensity.

Writing deserves a lot of credit for that. As a precedent of Red Dead Redemption many of us already know how things are going for the van der Linde gang, but we have to watch the fabric crumble as it moves to a place where the previous game history can make sense, is very engaging. Arthur Morgan is also an excellent protagonist. It is fascinating to see him struggling with his morality. It is fascinating to try to reconcile the increasingly reckless and violent actions of a group of people who are more than a family. Beyond Arthur, the other main actors in the story are very well written and acted. Even though they are all outlaws who steal, kill and loot as a way of life, you can not help but feel a certain bond. most of them, anyway. Interacting with these characters is also always a joy, thanks to Red Dead Redemption's system of dialogue which offers different ways of reacting and behaving according to the situation in which you find yourself.

All of this, of course, is strikingly highlighted by some of the most impressive visuals I've ever seen in a game. Everything is created with minute detail, and undoubtedly pushes the boundaries of the PS4 and the Xbox One to the extreme. Watch rays of light shine through the dense canopy of a forest, or set fire to a barn, or a bunch of storm clouds coming in from afar, or rays of light flowing through the sky, or wet, shimmering mud after a torrential rain – all this looks amazing and it's hard to believe that Rockstar has managed to demonstrate such technical mastery so consistently in a world as vast and dense. Some character models look much worse than the main characters in the game, while abnormal bugs and animation bugs are also detected, but you can easily count such events on your fingers. None of this diminishes the fact that it's one of the best games ever created. The fact that everything is accomplished in an open and mbadive global environment only makes these achievements even more impressive. The sound design of the game also deserves special praise. Things such as gunshots, the crackling of a storm, the whistling of horses or the general sound of wildlife in a forest, all seem authentic. And the moments when the music starts as a fight begins – those will stay with you for years.

 Red Dead Redemption 2 Red Dead Redemption 2

" Red Dead Redemption 2 begins slowly, but it constantly creates a momentum, and as things progress toward the end, they continue In the end, it's almost exhausting. "

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a breathtaking game that presents the quality of the highest caliber in almost everything that's in it. he does. Calling it not only one of the best games of this generation, but simply one of the greatest games ever created would not be an exaggeration. It shows how to tell a captivating story, well written and rhythmically masterful in a rich, dense and incredibly immersive world, and paves the way for other games in the future. It combines play, history and all its other aspects with a common desire to create an experience with an amazing sense of purpose and identity. It is a landmark achievement for Rockstar, for open world games and for all video games.

This game has been commented on Xbox One.


An engaging narrative that is excellently written and just as well played; A masterful and masterful rhythm; A cast of characters large and well developed; The lack of abstractions founds the world on realism and authenticity; The world is huge and dense, and full of ridiculous details. Tons of varied places that are full of personality. Incredibly immersive, with a keen sense of place; Everything is at the service of a unique and coherent experience; Visually beautiful, with very little hiccup strictly speaking; Thrilling and exciting battles; The contextual dialogue system keeps things fresh and unpredictable; Events occurring in a dynamic way ensure that exploration and travel are never monotonous; Tons of fun side activities; Excellent music and sound design.


A lot of commuting from one point to another; Cover mechanics are sometimes stiff.

Final Verdict

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a landmark achievement for Rockstar, for open world games and for video games as a whole.

A copy of this game has been provided by the developer / publisher for review. Click here to learn more about our Review Policy.

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