Samsung Galaxy Note 9 is expected to be launched on August 9th, and new leaks seem to arrive every day. The latest version is a rendering that reveals design changes compared to the Galaxy Note 8 of last year. The rendering also shows the new S Pen that is supposed to include various enhancements, including support for rumored Bluetooth connectivity. Separately, some practical images of the next Galaxy Note model have been released. Recently, Samsung's CEO, DJ Koh, was seen using the new Galaxy Note phone at a press conference that suggested the brand new fingerprint sensor placement. An alleged Geekbench list added that the South Korean giant could choose the Exynos 9820 SoC instead of the Exynos 9810 SoC for the global successor Galaxy Note 8
Photo credit: Twitter / Evan Blbad
The first high-quality render of the Galaxy Note 9 was disclosed by none other than the famous tipster Evan Blbad. The rendering shows that while the overall design of the Galaxy Note 9 matches its predecessor, the new model has a bunch of differences regarding the back panel. The biggest difference is apparently the position of the fingerprint sensor that has been moved from the sensor positioned vertically next to the dual rear camera configuration that was introduced on the Galaxy Note 8 last year to a sensor oriented horizontally. This is below the camera configuration – all this has already been seen. Notably, the Galaxy S9 family earlier this year also included a horizontally oriented sensor under the camera module to make the user experience more ergonomic than the vertical sensor listed on the Galaxy S8. The new placement could help reduce accidental contact with the camera's sensors.
In addition to the new position of the fingerprint sensor, the rendering leaks shows that the dual camera configuration of the Galaxy Note 9 matches the paint job of its back panel. It does not look like the Galaxy Note 8 camera configuration that had a black cover. The new movement highlights the two camera sensors as well as the LED flash module and the heart rate sensor.
The front panel of the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 shown on the rendering shows no major difference from what we saw the Galaxy Note 8. However, the new S Pen stands next to the front view of the handset shows a beautiful sight of gold color. The click button at the top of the S Pen does not have the same gold colored paintjob. Instead, it comes in a blue color that matches the color option of the Galaxy Note 9. This color combination makes the Galaxy Note 9 somehow a distinguished option against its predecessor. It should be emphasized here that the official invitation of the next event "Unpacked" already had the S Pen of gold color. A poster revealed by the user of Twitter Ice Universe has recently shown the new color combination, although it has highlighted the new model Galaxy Note in purple color.
Photo credit: SlashLeaks [19659004] In addition to the new rendering of Blbad, the first images of the Galaxy Note 9 were seen on SlashLeaks. The images show similar aspects of the next Galaxy Note model that appears on its rendering. They also show the Galaxy Note 9 startup screen that confirms Knox's security integration.
Previous reports have claimed that the Galaxy Note 9 will feature a 6.4-inch QHD + Super AMOLED Infinity display with a size of 18.5: 9. It is also rumored to come with up to 8GB of RAM and as much as 512 GB of storage on board. In addition, a recent list of Geekbench revealed a Galaxy Note 9 variant running Exynos 9820 SoC with high-end benchmark scores. Initial reports, however, have claimed that the handset will come with an Exynos 9810 octa-core SoC or Qualcomm Snapdragon 845.
We have to wait until August 9 to see the official prices and availability details of the Galaxy Note 9. The same event, to be held in New York, is also likely to be the place for the Galaxy Watch and Galaxy Tab S4.
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