Report on Refugee Health Uganda – September 2018 Newsletter – Uganda


Key Health and Nutrition Highlights

  • The surveillance system was changed from weekly surveillance to daily surveillance following the Ebola outbreak in neighboring DRC . New arrivals are screened for Ebola at all ports of entry in Uganda and no cases were reported in Uganda at the end of September 2018

  • . refugees and 20% of the host population. The main causes of morbidity were malaria 30.3%, IRTI 18.4%, IRTI 8.3%, skin diseases 7.6% and watery diarrhea 4.2%

  • . 79 suspected cases of measles were recorded in September at Bidibidi (2), Kyangwali 24, Kiryandongo 11., Kyaka 3, Nyakabande 1, Rwamwanja 38. This brings to 708 the cumulative number of measles cases in the areas of Refugee settlement in Uganda since January 2018.
    Intensive immunization and measles elimination campaigns are being carried out in all affected areas

  • in Arua District, CARE has organized a training workshop in five days on postabortion care for midwives, clinical officers and nurses, in Imvepi and Rhino Camp, and at Arua Regional Hospital. Participants learned: to recognize the signs of spontaneous abortion; appropriate abortion care and management of related complications and related mental health issues. The goal is to help prevent maternal deaths.

  • The crude death rate was 0.1 (norm: <0.75) and the under-5 mortality rate was 0.23 (norm: <1.5) and all were within limits of normal and in acceptable standards of UNHCR. . A maternal death was recorded in Bidibidi in August and has been verified and documented. Three maternal deaths were recorded in the Bidibidi, Rhino and Kyaka II refugee camps

  • A total of 3,901 live births were recorded, of which 65% were refugees and 35% of the host population. At the time of delivery, 80% had completed at least four planned prenatal visits

  • . 17,078 people were tested for HIV and 334 were tested positive for HIV and were linked to care and treatment in health facilities run by UNHCR. Cumulatively, 15,668 HIV patients are treated in refugee areas with 35% of refugees and 65% of host populations

  • 8 cases of VHF alert were reported and investigated in all areas of refugees from the country and the results were negative for all.

  • High Infant Mortality Rates in Rhino Camp Checked to Establish Evidence for Action

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