Research shows that you know when you are dead because your brain continues to function for a moment


Study suggests that people are aware at least several minutes after their clinical death

Scientists at the University of Southampton have found evidence in a study involving more than 2,000 people who suffered a cardiac arrest and successfully responded during resuscitation.

The study participated in 15 hospitals in the United Kingdom, the United States and Austria and is one of the largest of its kind.

According to the Birmingham Mail, Dr. Sam Parnia was one of the scientists who realized

AWARE – AWAreness document during the resuscitation – a prospective study, revealed that cardiac arrest survivors "had generally a wide range of cognitive themes, of which 2% were fully aware. "

studies that indicated that consciousness could be present despite a clinically undetectable awareness – or clinical death to simply say it.

These 2% of patients described were aware and able to remember "seeing" and "hearing" real events related to their resuscitation.

Further research is needed

Research has been carried out on people who have suffered cardiac arrest

These results were published in 2014. Dr. Parnia is continuing his research.

When addressing the Skeptiko website, he states: "The evidence we have so far suggests that people may have mental activity after their death and cardiac arrest."

"This which is fascinating in this aspect of the work, is that people describe some elements somewhat subjective.

"For example, people will describe seeing a bright light, then they describe having seen a tunnel, and then they may describe seeing dead parents who have almost welcomed them throughout the death process and comforted them. [19659002] "But these things are really not scientifically verifiable, because they are subjective.

"People say they can see doctors and nurses working on them and they can describe in detail what happened to them.

" I have already studied hundreds of these cases, like many others.

"Part of what we wanted to do was put in place an experiment that would objectively test the badertions of cardiac arrest patients, if they claimed to see resuscitation, because we do not know for the moment whether these

"In other words, do people really see things from the ceiling? Or is it a kind of illusion? This is really the essence of the experience. "

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