Researchers claim that overtreatment of patients with hypothyroidism may increase the risk of stroke


Washington DC – According to a new study, taking too much medication for patients taking medication to treat hypothyroidism may increase the risk of atrial fibrillation, a common disorder of the heart rhythm badociated with stroke. 19659002] The findings were presented by researchers at the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute in Salt Lake City during the American Heart Association's scientific conference in Chicago.

"We know that patients with hypothyroidism have a higher risk of atrial fibrillation, but we have not considered an increased risk in the normal range of thyroid hormones." These results show that we could consider reconsidering what we call normal. " Jeffrey L. Anderson, Principal Investigator.

For this study, the researchers reviewed the electronic medical records of 174,914 patients treated in Intermountain Healthcare health care facilities with free thyroxine (fT4) levels who were not taking any replacement drug. thyroid. The researchers then took what was considered a normal range of fT4 rates, divided it into four quartiles, and then reviewed the records of these patients for a current or future diagnosis of atrial fibrillation.

They found a 40% increase in existing atrial fibrillation. for patients in the quartile the highest levels of fT4 compared to patients in the lowest, and a 16% increase in new atrial fibrillation developing over the three years of follow-up.

These results suggest that the optimum optimal range for fT4 should be after Dr. Anderson.

"Thyroid hormones are badociated with weight loss and increased energy, which can lead to people being treated in the upper end of the normal range, a higher risk of atrial fibrillation, and therefore of a stroke? "said Dr. Anderson.

The study also showed that it was necessary to measure fT4, as well as the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which is more commonly tested in patients with irregular rates. thyroid hormones, but without being useful within the limits of normal.

"The next step for researchers is to conduct a randomized trial to determine whether targeting a lower or higher range of fT4 protein in patients receiving thyroid hormone replacement therapy results in a lower risk of fibrillation. auricular and stroke, and other possible heart-related problems, such as atherosclerosis, "said Dr. Anderson.

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