Review: Darksiders III


Dated but still so dark

Darksiders always had the feeling that he belonged to the margin. The entire mask "edgy Zelda " that he wears so tenderly was a serious hindrance for some, but I bought the mask directly. It's perhaps the devilish turn of Mark Hamill as a Watcher who has really attracted me to this world, but it's the infernal beauty of the artist Joe Madureira who has been He brought back.

Of course, there are padding problems and other buffs, but the strong places and the more serviceable action help to cement this series as a pretender to action. After six years in limbo, he returns to answer the call of the fans: but the real question is whether he will remain under surveillance in 2018.

[19659003] Darksiders III (PC, PS4 [reviewed] Xbox One)
Developer: Gunfire Games
Publisher: THQ Nordic
Released: November 27, 2018
MSRP: $ 59.99

He does it. And scene: end of review. No, I will clarify this statement lest I feel the flame of hell itself: it absolutely holds if you are willing to endure some of the same vices that undermine the 3D action games since their creation.

some major changes that all aim to bring back the game to Earth after the push (some would say useless) of the complexity in the second entry. The booty is gone because, according to the developers, "Fury's abilities are stored inside his guard." OK, it's a cute, very vague reason to remove complicated concepts, but the trade-off is a gigantic world and many mechanisms for backing up existing games. So … Fury is now drinking replenishing flasks to restore his health. And break souls for money (used to improve statistics or weapons). And … can recover his souls after death by returning to the scene of the crime.

All this is an effort by Gunfire Games to modernize the series and most of their work is bearing fruit. I do not miss the granular loot. Having to determine which element was best in Darksiders II was often a chore, even though it reinforced the idea of ​​multiple constructions in higher difficulty conditions. The story of Fury has a different feel and I appreciate that each game is unique in its own way. Part of this vision is achieved in the "forms" of Fury, which allow access to all kinds of new weapons as well as capabilities such as a triple vertical jump and a hover. Again, Fury is the most profiled rider to date, but still retains a sense of identity through his bad.

Instead of a depreciated demonic force following your new companion Watcher, it's basically yours. personal cheerleader. She never strikes this sour place where she is too annoying; it's more like a devilishly crafty flattery that allows it to work. Darksiders III raises the bar with the fan favorite gadget "fight the seven deadly sins". This is something that has been done in almost all areas of the media and that has not yet aged. Call me an idiot for an occult / demonic iconography, but discovering new interpretations of secular myths is something special.

Gunfire Games is able to bypbad the gap between games (hiatus? What hiatus?) In affirming the quest for Fury takes place at the same time as the first Darksiders which runs parallel to the sequel. For a series that focuses mostly on action and absurdity, it works, even if the premise "one can do touch-ups when one wants to" runs out.

Darksiders has always scored points in my book for its interactions between its domineering actors, the Mephistophelian, not necessarily because of the narrative "who betrays who". For those who wonder: this entry does advance the overall narrative, but only a little and especially in the end.

Of course for these Darksiders At the titan level, you need a good fighting base. Gunfire Games is not entirely ecological in the action arena because it brings together many developers of the original series and has recently worked on the remastered [good] Darksiders II . Yet in the editing of Darksiders III I was a little afraid that they would do the same, and would give Fury a distinctly different feel to that of his comrades: just as Death did when juxtaposing the war. .

Fury is more like Death, in the sense that its mobility is its greatest strength and that it also marries the restricted movements of war. You will most often dodge and double jump, and switching between forms really makes me think of a certain Capcom hero. Although she finally has access to more toys, her bad is a good all-round whirlwind that works well out of the door. Even though I always had access to secondary weapons, I always felt comfortable with the bad.

All of this seems to be going well so far, is not it? Well, while Darksiders III benefits from reduced mechanisms, it is different. My main problem with traversal is that it feels limited. It is the same sin Prince of Persia 2008 commits; it gives you some tools to move but only allows you to use them in certain areas. The non-organic bad swing is a perfect example: it seems that you should be able to use it much more than you really can. All this makes a world less trendy than what Gunfire had promised, no doubt it is best highlighted by the fact that I often forgot to return to the forge of the turntable to upgrade my weapons.

The entire progression system lacks panache. We put a lot of emphasis on upgrading to overcome the more and more powerful threats that game throws at you, but upgrading and even upgrading weapons with socket runes is often boring, almost as if the team was withdrawing its object too much. Darksiders II System . There is a happy medium, they just have not found it yet.

While the design of the characters and the works of art are at the rendezvous, the environments seem to have been grafted to a game several generations ago. Now for me, it's okay! I can regularly return to action games of the PS2 era and appreciate them heartily without ever questioning me on the merits of tearing the screen or anti -aliasing. But there are some places that transcend notions of "dated feeling" because they were too sterile for their own good. The fact that it is a little shorter than the first two entries (it took me about 10 hours to see the credits and five others to clean up most of the time) might be a benefit to you. During my second visit, jumping cinematic scenes, his speedrun potential really exploded.

Most of my complaints involve RPG elements that are not in the center of Darksiders III . It remains an action-driven project and it's an angle that it does well, reigning in the original ideas of its predecessor. With all the efforts to resurrect this series once dead and buried, I hope that there is a chance to finish everything with Strife: I want to see this story until the end, the imperfections and everything else.

[This review is based on a retail build of the game provided by the publisher.]

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Darksiders III recorded by Chris Carter



An impressive effort with some obvious problems holding it back. Do not surprise everyone, but worth your time and money.
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