Rolls Royce cars: The 10 biggest myths BUSTED!


The rollers are unquestionably among the most luxurious cars that money can buy. There is no doubt that they come from one of the most iconic car brands of all time. However, not all the legends surrounding these cars are true. Here are the 10 biggest myths about Rolls Royce cars

Myth: They Never Decompose

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It's really wrong. Rolls Royce are certainly among the best-built cars ever, but that's not true that they do not break down. There have been many cases of Rolls Royce cars broken down in several parts of the world. Myth: No one can buy a Rolls Royce

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It is said that not anyone with a lot of money can buy a Roller. The myth is that Rolls Royce first checks your history and then decides if you deserve to drive a Rolls Royce, however, all of this is completely wrong. Anyone who can afford to buy one can simply get into a Rolls Royce dealer and buy a car. It is said that Mallika Sherawat was denied a car by Rolls Royce, which is not true. The actress even continued to detrital history .

Myth: Everything is British

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The Rolls Royce company has its factory in the United Kingdom. It is also a car brand of British origin. However, their cars are not totally British. However, the bodies of Rolls Royce cars are manufactured in a factory in Germany. These organs are then routed to the UK facility, where the reboot manufacturing process takes place.

Myth: The air conditioning of a Rolls-Royce has the cooling power of the engine. at least 30 household refrigerators. 640 "height =" 354 "srcset =" 740w, https: / / 200w, com / wp-content / uploads / 2016/08 / rolls.jpg? resize = 300% 2C166 & ssl = 1 300w, 125w, 1 463w "size =" (max-width: 640px) 100vw , 640px "data-recalc-dims =" 1 "/>

Of course, the AC Rolls Royce are really very efficient, but they have no cooling power of 30 refrigerators.

Myth: L & Spirit of ecstasy is composed of pure silv er

It was previously believed that the spirit of ecstasy, which is the characteristic stylistic element of every Rolls Royce, is composed of money. This is not true, however. The spirit of ecstasy is composed of stainless steel on all RR models. That said, you can personalize one and have it in any metal you like, be it silver or gold.

Myth: The only thing you can hear in a Rolls Royce is the clock

No, even that is false. Okay, that may be true at lower speeds, but at higher speeds, there is at least some noise slipping into the cabin. Of course, it's a lot less than on any other luxury car in the world, but you can not say that ticking the clock is the only thing you'll hear in a Roller

Myth: Rolls Royce to Black

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It is said that the font color on the Rolls Royce badge went from red to black to commemorate the death of Henry Royce. However, the change was a decision made by Henry Royce as Black was a font color more appropriate for a luxury car. Some customers complained that the red font contrasted with the color of the car. Therefore, the decision to change the color of the font was taken

Myth: They are so perfectly constructed that they will never need to be recalled

  rolls-royce- ghost-2015- (11) [19659013] Think again if you've ever thought that a Rolls Royce can not be revoked by the company. Although a lot of dedication and hard work are spent on making every Rolls Royce model, the company has already launched reminders. The Ghost, for example, was recalled in 2015.

Myth: They're not used as taxis


a lot high upscale hotels around the world use a Rolls Royce to transport their rich stomers. You can really find a Rolls Royce with a taxi license in parts of the world

Myth: They've Always Made Luxury Cars

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This is another myth. Rolls Royce was initially a manufacturer of rally cars. The company has participated in many endurance races to prove that it can build reliable and efficient vehicles.

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