Rose Geranium Oil Can Relieve Common Painful Nasal Symptoms Related to Cancer Treatment


The conclusions are based on anecdotal evidence for the use of geranium rose oil in the treatment of nasal vestibulitis, which affects the mucous membranes of the nostrils, thereby rendering them excessively sensitive, bleeding and forming crusts.

We must warn the authors.

Nasal vestibulitis is a side effect of cancer treatment and is particularly common in people treated with a clbad of drugs called taxanes, which stop cells. division, and / or vascular endothelial growth factors, or VEGF, which slow down the formation of new blood vessels, thereby curbing tumor growth.

doctors on how best to help affected patients.

Based on anecdotal evidence, the authors sought to find out if the oil could relieve the symptoms of nasal vestibulitis in 40 women in chemotherapy. bad cancer treatment between 2007 and 2017.

More than half (58%) were treated with taxanes; the rest was treated with a range of broad-spectrum targeted cancer drugs.

The most common nasal symptoms were bleeding (65%) and discomfort (63%), but drought (30%) and crust (13%). %) and wounds (25%).

Each woman received a spray of rose geranium oil on a sesame oil base and was asked to use it as needed. They were asked to evaluate the severity of the symptoms before and after use and to complete a survey of their experience with the use of oil.

The average severity score was just below 3 (out of 4), which corresponds to "moderately severe". Two women responded to the survey, one of whom did not use the oil as her symptoms resolved when she stopped chemotherapy.

Of the 20 respondents, half said they used this oil every day and 45% said it. I have used it several times a day.

All stated that he had helped relieve their symptoms: the scores of 11 women (55%) indicated that they had pulled a moderate benefit; scores of six (30%) indicate a substantial advantage; and in two cases (10%), the symptoms completely disappeared.

This is an observational study and, as such, it can not establish the cause. And the authors note that their findings are limited by the low response rate to the survey. They stress the need for further research.

But they nonetheless write: "The nasal spray with sesame oil and sesame oil seems to be very useful for patients with nasal vestibulitis as a result of a directed treatment against cancer. "

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