Rose Leslie goes to the concert during Kit Harington's rehab


New Delhi:

The International Press About The actress Rose of the Game of Thrones unleashed social media, who rushed to defend Rose for attending a concert in the absence of her husband, Kit Harington, who is currently in rehab. Examples of titles: "Rose Leslie spotted at the London Music Festival while Kit Harington continues her treatment," "Rose Leslie celebrates at the festival as her husband, Kit Harington, enters rehab" on the subway. The implicit criticism has angered Twitter, several tweets shaming publications and asking why the actress should be confined to her home. Some tweets also pointed out that the family and friends of people seeking help for mental health also had the right to cope as they intended.

It must be said that the media were not the only culprits. Several Kit Harington fans and Jonerys senders seized the opportunity to slip comparisons between Rose Leslie and actress Emilia Clarke, who was playing Daenerys in Game of Thrones .

Read some tweets defending Rose here: 19659005] What horrible title humiliating Rose Leslie to have time for herself. None of you have experienced anything similar? A terrible idea!

– Strawberry bitch (@StrawberryBtch) June 4, 2019

Shame on @MetroUK for this title. Of course, Rose Leslie should have fun! Do you know what mental illness does to partners / parents / children / friends? Tell me, what should she do instead?

– Josie Marie (@missjosiemarie) 4 June 2019

Soooooooo what is she supposed to stay at home? #OpinionChallenge #KitHarington #STFU #lol #leaveheralone #BREAKING

Rose Leslie Appointed to the London Music Festival While in Kit Again via @people

– Black Tilda (@ BlackTilda1) June 4, 2019

No dog in the fight, but I think that Is crazy what people are mocking Rose Leslie for living her life while her husband is looking for help. It's not as if she could be with him, and those who love people who seek help are perfectly entitled to fight and face the struggle as they please

– Alex De Vore (@teamalex) June 4, 2019


– The Green Eggs and Samwell Tarly (@Samosauur) June 3, 2019

Anyone who does not see anything wrong in this title is a fool. Why not "Rose Leslie spotted at the festival" full stop!

– Trilogy of the Lord of the Rings. The best. (@ Lady0Dia) June 3, 2019

I do not know anything about Rose Leslie or her relationship with Kit, but some of her vexations bear witness to women's hatred. she has the right to have a life and you know, laughs. she does not need to be locked in a room that is crying her kit 24/7 to be a supportive wife. Stop hating women 2k19.

– Sage (@dracarydany) June 3, 2019

Kit Harington has been in a wellness center for more than a month, it was revealed last week. The 32-year-old actor is registered for treatment related to stress and alcohol. Kit would have struggled to handle the end of Game Of Thrones and has already stated that he had requested therapy after being disputed with the story of his character, Jon Snow, there are two or three seasons.

Rose Leslie interpreted the wild warrior Ygritte on Game Of Thrones – her character, the lover interest of Jon Snow, dies in season 4.

While Ygritte and Jon n & Have not had a happy ending – complicated by Jon Snow's love affair with his aunt Daenerys which also resulted in a tragedy – Rose Leslie and Kit Harington did. They married in 2018, during a ceremony at which several co-stars of Game Of Thrones were invited.

The music festival at which Rose Leslie participated was held in London. The actress watched Bon Iver play. She was with friends, including actress Carey Mulligan whose husband Marcus Mumford figured among the festival's poster heads with his band Mumford And Sons.

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