Rubella increases in China | International Journal of Travel and Health Insurance


In the city of Wuzhou, China, cases of rubella (German measles) are on the rise among adolescents and unvaccinated adults. Rubella is an acute and contagious viral infection transmitted by airborne droplets and can cause severe birth defects if it occurs early in pregnancy. Symptoms include rash, low fever, nausea, mild conjunctivitis and swollen lymph nodes behind the ears and neck.

There is no specific treatment and the medical staff has alerted the public that vaccination is the only effective way to prevent rubella infection. Travelers in the area are advised to check their immunization status for MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) as well as for tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. As many people in the city have not been vaccinated, there is a risk of epidemic.

The World Health Organization recommends that all countries that have not yet introduced rubella vaccines do so by using well-established measles immunization programs. . To date, three regions of the WHO have set targets to eliminate this preventable cause of conbad anomalies.

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