Safeguard 25pc on solar projects to raise tariffs: ICRA


Solar energy projects underway in the country are expected to experience tension if the DGTR recommendation on the imposition of 25 percent safeguard duties is approved by the Ministry of Energy. Union energy, said the ICRA rating agency. a solar energy project will increase by 15%, and in turn, the tariff must be increased by about 30-35 paise per unit, to maintain a similar level of performance for project proponents, a indicated the ICRA in a note.

The DGTR recommended the imposition of a 25% safeguard duty on solar cells (badembled in modules or not) imported into India from China and Malaysia the first year.

This would be followed by a gradual reduction to 20 for the first six months of the second year, and up to 15 percent in the second half of the second year

However, this figure is lower than the 70 per cent recommended by the Safeguards Directorate in January. 2018, to balance the interests of domestic manufacturers, as well as developers and consumers of solar energy.

"For manufacturers of existing domestic solar modules and modules, the imposition of duties of" However, since the right of safeguarding is only applicable for a period of two years, it is little likely that this leads to an increase Sabysachi Majumdar, leader of the group ICRA, notes in the note

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