Sameera Reddy on depression after pregnancy, alopecia and more: I collapsed as a person | Bollywood


A dive into parenthood accompanies ups and downs. Actress Sameera Reddy, who is expecting her second baby in a short time, said her first pregnancy left her feeling torn between reality and the pressure of presenting an "unreal life" as a celebrity.

Sameera, whose last big-screen release dates back to 2012. with the movie Tezz, married business man Akshai Varde in 2014. She delivered her first-born son in 2015. "I got pregnant just months after my marriage. The game plan was to have the pregnancy, to bounce back and get back to the front of the stage.

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"It was the worst scenario of what I experienced. I could have imagined my body and the way I collapsed as a person because my pregnancy was very hard, "Sameera told IANS by phone from Mumbai.

Last month, Sameera gave a real answer to his trolls. that not everyone can be like actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, who regained her slender figure after pregnancy in no time. This time, Sameera has realized how "she has a bump and a bit of weight coming. She said, "I will not look glamorous all the time. But I wanted to go out and say Hey! It's good like that.

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Recounting the experience From her first pregnancy, she says: "I had placenta previa, which put me at rest for nearly four to five months after pregnancy. I was just starting to gain weight and falling into a kind of head in my head because it was all about glamorous shows, awards and lifestyle in the impossibility of managing what my pregnancy was doing to me. "

.In hindsight, she feels that it was a" cowardly act. "" There is so much pressure on us, as actors or bystanders, to show that we have this life I was also buying this and I was trying to play it as an actor, I was also trying to keep up and say, "Hey, look, I'm so perfect." (But) I was the poster of what a pregnancy should not be, "she added.

After giving birth to her son, Sameera said that she had touched 102 kg. To be this "bady Sam", I went there.I put 32 kg and I could not recognize myself.I was in a total mess, "added the actress, who appeared in movies like Race, No Entry and Taxi Number 9211.

Being ridiculed had a detrimental effect on his mental health. "I was leaving the house and they said to me:" Is this Sameera Reddy? What happened to her? ? "That pushed me into an extra hole." Sameera said that she was coming a moment where she could not stand any eyes. "Everyone knew that I felt depressed, but I was a good mother. To top it off, I had this car condition called alopecia areata, which made me lose hair after almost six months of giving birth. But that has nothing to do with my pregnancy.

All this combined led to a crisis. "I worked very hard. I had some help in terms of therapy and I understood that I was lost and confused as a person … What I was as & # 39; Actor and where I am today as mother and wife. "

was published from a news agency feed without a change in the text.Only the title has been changed.)

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First publication:
27th of April 2019 09:03 IST

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