Samsung is testing two foldable smartphones and is working on a special version of the Android operating system: Report


By: Tech Desk | New Delhi |

Last Updated: October 28, 2018 at 14:39:01

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some sources, Samsung was testing two prototypes of its foldable smartphone smartphone, which should be launched the year born next. According to a report by Bloomberg quoting people familiar with the subject, the folding screen device is codenamed "Winner" and has been operating for years. Earlier reports indicated that the phone could eventually be launched under the name of Galaxy X. Samsung had already introduced flexible displays for smartphones, although it's about prototypes.

Samsung debate between two prototypes, one horizontal, the other long. which is vertically longer when unfolded. Both models open from one side to the other, however, the landscape model has fallen out of balance, with some designers believing that the "portrait type" is easier to manipulate. one hand, says the report.

The 5G version of the Galaxy S10 allows folding phones to retain their lead over Apple in 2019

Bloomberg reports that because of technical difficulties, Foldable display may not include a fingerprint sensor. However, the device should include a 4-inch screen on the outside to perform basic tasks such as browsing emails, texts without having to flip it over to open it.

The prototype prototype would be similar to that of the Motorola Razr with screen. opening in the blink of an eye. According to the report, the screen is covered with a film mainly used in photography. The device has pbaded the internal folding tests more than "2,000,000 times", but the output of mbad production remains problematic.

Read More- The Samsung Galaxy X could cost more than Rs 1 lakh: Report

In addition to the display, the report Bloomberg also shares information about the device software, which could be a "special version" of Android OS. The user interface should depend heavily on one of the two models finalized by the company.

Samsung could probably reduce the size of the phone's battery to make it lighter.

Read also: The Samsung Galaxy S10 will have a unit specializing in AI in the chipset: Report

HOT DEALS [19659015] The foldable phone will not be the only major launch from Samsung in 2019. The Galaxy S10 should be equipped with an integrated fingerprint sensor and include a chipset with a dedicated AI unit. According to Bloomberg Samsung is in talks with US mobile phone retailer Verizon Communications to unveil the Galaxy S10 with a fifth-generation wireless chipset in the United States.

The standard edition of the Galaxy S10 would feature an OLED panel, however, the cheapest model would not have the characteristic curved edge display. Samsung is expected to launch three models of its flagship product, the Galaxy S10, next year.

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