Scientists have cheated cancer cells in the fight against each other with the help of CRISPR


Mobile cancer tumor cells have been genetically engineered to secrete a protein that triggers a change in death in the resident tumor cells that they encounter.

Scientists at the University of California at San Francisco have found a way to edit genomes. could revolutionize cancer treatments infections such as HIV and autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

The method that was recently discovered on July 11, 2018, introduced the new molecular technique of cutting and sticking system which in turn will help rewrite the T cell gene sequence in humans.

Scientists behind the study are working with the Parker Institute for UCSF Cancer Immunotherapy to develop altered cells that can treat a variety of cancers, such as According to the New York Times, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Melanoma, and Childhood Leukemia

Technology "truly opens the door for us as a community to think of the creative and potentially unique ways to activate a T cell" , Ramsdell says The Post .

The researchers developed two different types of cells.The winning candidate, a protein called S-TRAIL, killed a variety of cancer cells and was not particularly toxic to healthy cells These cells could then be retransferred to the patient

"Although we can never be absolutely certain that there are no off-target effects, he There is a crucial difference in the nature of this type of therapy, where a new gene is introduced at a specific site in the genome, "explained Roth. The neutralization of the "misleading" protein that can no longer deactivate T cells occurs. But the research is promising and could revolutionize the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases, including HIV and lupus.

They tested both types of cells in murine models of brain cancer and bad cancer metastasized to the brain. ] With the non-viral CRISPR technique, the UCSF team was able to rapidly repair the IL2RA defect in children's T cells, and restore cellular signals that had been altered by mutations . A breakthrough in genetic engineering has been successful thanks to the CRISPR technique.

Shah said up to 80 percent of mice survived their cancers after receiving cellular treatments.

Roth stated that because the new technique allows for the creation of viable custom T cell lines in just over a week, she has already transformed the research environment in Marson's lab . The ideas of experiments that were previously considered too harsh or expensive because of the barriers presented by viral vectors are now ripe for investigation.

The start of the technique took several steps

"This receptor replacement strategy be generalized to any T cell receptor," said Marson, also a member of the Parker Institute for the # 1 Cancer immunotherapy at UCSF and a researcher Chan Zuckerberg Biohub. Viral vectors are usually too small to carry large amounts of DNA. In CAR-T therapy, T cells that have been removed from the body are designed to improve their ability to fight cancer, and then returned to the body to target tumors. "By optimizing each of these parameters and putting the best conditions together, he could see this amazing result."

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