To the latest news from Kollywood, Shankar finally decided to give up his ambitious project "Bharateeyudu 2". The film was launched in January with a lot of fanfare, but that does not happen now. The producers of the film said they could not invest money in this project given the weak Kamal Haasan market at the moment.
Shankar is planning another film combining Vijay and Vikram. Vijay is the reigning superstar of Kollywood, his films do phenomenal business. If Shankar and Vijay team up, it will be a daunting project.
Shankar is inspired by Rajamouli's "RRR" to perform a multi-starrer. If we believe the rumors, Shankar will soon launch this mega multi-starrer instead of "Bharateeyudu 2."
Shankar also wants to make a film with Megastar Chiranjeevi next year.
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