Sidharth Sagar shares screenshots WhatsApp suicidal thoughts of Subuhi Joshi!


Recently, the Internet was stormed by the news of Subuhi Joshi canceling his engagement with his fiance Sidharth Sagar due to alleged domestic violence. The version of Sidharth soon appeared and things are getting worse since then. The comedian has now shared WhatsApp screenshots of their conversation where the actress can be seen begging him to return to a relationship and threaten him with death or whatever.

Sidharth revealed that he and Subuhi had been fought for a month. long time. The two men had started dating in 2014, but things had gone wrong between them and they decided to separate in 2016.

CASSER: Sidharth Sagar's actions on WhatsApp Screenshots suicidal thoughts of Subuhi Joshi!

with a leading portal, International Business Times, of Sidharth himself, where he states that Subuhi has shared up to 500 messages including drunk texts. She also telephoned Sidharth repeatedly to return to her and even threatened to commit suicide and hold him responsible for his death if he refused to return to the relationship.

Screen shots below:

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