"Sit-on" hair will be cut for charity


Saturday, June 30, 2018

Little Lottie Giran-Carter has long hair, she can sit on it – and she loves it.

She was ready to lose most of it and to get some money for the children in India.

It was her own idea and with the help of mum Sandra, she launched her Coup campaign for GoTundMe cause.

Lottie, a six-year-old student at Shoreham's Swiss Gardens Elementary School, said, "I love my hair and have had it cut only five times since I was born.

"My goal is to raise funds to sponsor as many children as possible from the Saksham Foundation in Delhi, which is a charitable organization that helps many children receive an education that I fully support.

"Once my hair is cut, I also have the intention of giving them to The Little Princess Trust so that a beautiful wig can be made and given to someone suffering from pain." cancer. It's also very close to my heart that I lost my grandmother to cancer when I had only eight weeks and she misses me a lot. "

Lottie will be cut on July 20.

Papa Brett Carter said:" Lottie has already organized a "brown envelopes" campaign to collect the essentials for children at the foundation in Delhi.

"Lottie's hair is currently sitting and about 16 inches will be donated."

Visit www.gofundme.com/a-cut-for-a-cause

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