Six new cases of malaria reported last week


At least six new cases of malaria were reported last week in Delhi, bringing to 46 the total number of people affected by vector-borne disease this season, according to a report released Monday by the municipality. 19659002] Only two new cases of dengue, another vector-borne disease, were reported in Delhi between 23 and 30 June.

Of 46 cases of malaria, 25 were reported in June, 17 in May, one in April and March, and two in February. Of the 30 dengue cases this season, six were reported in January, three in February, one in March, two in April and 10 in May and eight in June, according to the report released by the South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) [19659003]. ] Chikungunya case

The SDMC compiles data on vector-borne diseases for the whole city.

Two cases of chikungunya were reported in the last week of June, bringing their total number to 16.

"Dengue and malaria both have different carriers, so it is not unusual. that more cases of malaria are reported compared to dengue, "said a doctor in a government-run hospital.

"Take precautions"

"But people must take precautions, such as wearing long-sleeved clothing and not allowing the breeding of mosquito larvae. Water coolers should be dried when not in use because mosquitoes that carry dengue fever will reproduce there. Nets should be used at home, "she said.

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