If you have "Red Dead Redemption 2", we have tips and advice to help you.

On sale for over a week, the video game "Red Dead Redemption 2" has generated many outstanding sales and rave reviews.

Want to know how to win the West at Rockstar Games? adventure of the world? We gathered some tips from reporters specializing in the brain trust and video games of Rockstar who revised the game to facilitate your explorations in "Red Dead Redemption 2" ($ 60 for Microsoft Xbox One and Sony PlayStation 4 , rated Mature for 17 years and over – upwards).

Camp Council. At the beginning of the game, your protagonist, Arthur Morgan, and the rest of the Van der Linde gang set up camp in the mountainous Horseshoe Overlook area. While you are making money, you will want to use the general ledger to improve the camp, says Matt Bertz, editor of Game Informer, who reviewed the game for the site. It "frees the ability to store horses, replenish valuable consumables such as ammunition and travel quickly from your camp," he said.

Arthur Gies, who reviewed the game for Variety, agrees. Improving "your level 3 camp to unlock quick moves … is one of the most important tips I can think of," he said. "It's limited to a few points around the world, but it saves a lot of time at different times."

Exploring the impressive scenery of horseback riding is a pleasure, but you sometimes want to go somewhere fast. . "When you improve your camp," you can quickly get directly from the gang camp to one of the cities visited before, "said Bertz.

Similarly, when upgrading the camp, make sure that there is enough ammo and tonic care at hand.

More Advance Travel If you are with the gang, your horse may follow automatically Just keep the Run button (X on PS4 or A on Xbox One) so your horse does not run out.It will not be as tired as if you regularly press the button to follow. the rhythm

way through the different regions, you may get tired of holding this button Run. "Red Dead 2" has an application to solve this problem.

Before you go on a tour, set a waypoint on the map, then as you climb on horseback, engage the camera by pressing the right stick. Then you can remove your finger from the Run button and view the view. Press the right joystick again to return to the third person and first person display.

Be sure to visit the train stations because you can buy a train ticket that will allow you to quickly move to nearby stations already existing on the train.

Automatic play

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On the hunt . At the beginning of the game, you will end up with a bear hunt with Hosea. You will meet a legendary bear. Make sure to continue the hunt after meeting the bear. This will give you an early introduction to the Trapper and give you "an extraordinary hat for cold weather," say the Rockstar gurus.

Also at the beginning of Chapter 2, you can start bringing craft materials to Pearson, the camp cook. you make a new bag that contains more than your first.

Before hunting, read the Compendium for helpful information on where to find animals and which ammunition to use. When you aim for an animal, you will see a star rating for that animal's skin or carcbad. Only 3-star carcbades can be used in the craft, and you have to get clean destruction so that the skin stays perfect.

The study of animals will give you useful information on how to obtain this destruction. Do not forget to use your binoculars to track them remotely. For smaller animals, use the Varmint rifle and arrows for small game.

Beyond the skin and game meat you kill, you can collect animal fat that you can make by making fire bottles (such as Molotov badtails) and explosive ordnance. You can also sell the fat to butchers and trappers.

You can also collect bird feathers, which can also be given to the trapper, who can use them to add a personal touch to Arthur's hat.

Gunplay . Want to get upgraded weapons at the beginning of the game? When you're in Valentine's City, talk to the salon biographer to launch the Gunslinger mission series, "The Noblest of Men, and a Woman". These optional stories give you access to incredibly personalized weapons.

If you're facing a lot of enemies, you might want to take advantage of the Dead Eye feature, says GameSpot editor-in-chief Kallie Plagge, who described the game as "emotional" and "provocative" . it slows down the combat time and allows you to hit enemies with precision, "she said," To engage Dead Eye, you hit RB on the Xbox One or R1 controller on the PS4. "

" C & # 39 is a great option in situations where "You are overwhelmed because you can target multiple enemies at once and lighten the opposition," Plagge said. "You'll unlock abilities such as manually targeting enemies and even viewing hotspots where your shots will be the deadliest."

Your horse riding around This is an important part of your success, so take the time to create links. This allows you to acquire new abilities such as breeding and skidding.

In addition to feeding and brushing your horse, another easy way to bond with your horse is to click on the left stick while pedaling to calm it down. Buying higher saddles and stirrups will increase the speed and acceleration of your horse.

"Feed, ride, and brush your horse to tie it in. As his bond grows, you can call him greater distances and learn new maneuvers like strafing," said Plagge. "You can also break wild horses, raise them and sell them for profit once they are well trained.The trick is to approach them slowly and calmly."

And as you have spent so much time connecting and improving your horse, make sure you have a reviving horse tonic in your inventory so you can heal your faithful servant.

Stay focused. As you move into the context of the early 20th century, choose a task and persevere, says Chris Plante, editor and co-founder of the Polygon video game site.

An open world adventure "Red Dead 2" allows you to explore beyond the game's history to hunt, fish, collect bonuses and other activities. But Plante said he liked the game more "when I focused on one activity at a time, for example, if I needed skins to make a fancy outfit, I would go hunting with determination, bringing the appropriate material: a bait, a tonic, a rifle. "

Removing distractions, he said," allowed me to enter the present moment rather than treating each activity as a obligation for the future. "

More: " Red Dead Redemption 2 ": First impressions of one time in the West

More information on Red Dead Redemption 2 & # 39; wins $ 725 million for Rockstar Games debut

Follow USA TODAY reporter Mike Snider on Twitter: @MikeSnider .

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