Molly Yatso Butz (Photo courtesy of Molly Yatso Butz)

Protecting the skin is an important part of health and well-being daily, especially in summer. Protect your skin with proper skin protection and learn about the risks and signs of skin cancer.

About 2 million people in this country are diagnosed with melanoma-free skin cancer each year. carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

Both types are common and almost always heal when they are detected early and properly treated: up to 90% of skin cancers other than melanomas. are caused by prolonged exposure to harmful UV rays. People who have ever had skin cancer may catch it again.

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There are also 76 000 new cases melanoma each year, resulting in approximately 10,000 deaths annually. Skin cancers of melanoma are more aggressive and less easy to treat than non-melanoma skin cancers.

If you have a parent or brother diagnosed with melanoma, you are 50% more likely to develop the disease than someone who does not have melanoma. Family history of this disease

People with fair skin, light eyes and light hair are at a higher risk of developing skin cancer. It is estimated that 40 to 50% of light-skinned people who reach age 65 will develop at least one skin cancer.

Other risk factors for skin cancer:

  • An abundance of large, irregular-shaped moles
  • Living at high altitudes or with the sun all year
  • Previous radiotherapy treatments

] You might be surprised, however, to learn that people of all ethnic groups and skin types are at risk. Although infrequent, skin cancer is the most deadly for African American, Latino and Asian groups due to a low rate of early detection.

Everyone should use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Limit your exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, especially from 10 am to 4 pm, when the sun's rays are strongest. Wear a hat and sunglbades and cover yourself with clothing to protect your skin.

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All types of cancer skin (melanoma, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma) often begin as changes to your skin. They could be new growths or precancerous lesions. These skin changes may not be cancerous now but could become cancer over time.

Know the rule "ABCDE" to evaluate all skin changes that could indicate skin cancer, especially melanoma. Check if a mole or a freckle has:

  • An appearance Asymmetric : For example, one half of a mole does not seem to match the other half.
  • Irregular Borders or irregular or blurred borders
  • A Color that is not consistent: A mole that does not have the same color or that has shades of brown, brown, black, blue, white or red is suspicious
  • Augmented in Diameter: A mole is suspect if the diameter is larger than the tip of a pencil.
  • Evolved ] in character or spread: Melanoma lesions often grow in size or rapidly change in size.

A dermatologist should check for any mole or freckle that appears to be different from others or that has characteristics of the ABCDE rule.

The dermatologist may want to remove a sample of tissue from a suspicious mole and biopsy. If it is cancerous, the entire mole and a normal skin edge should be removed. Additional treatment may be required. Remember, if you notice changes in your skin, such as new growth, a mole change, or a wound that will not heal, have it checked quickly.

Molly Yatso Butz is the foundation development coordinator for Aurora Health Care in Oshkosh and Green Bay.

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