Sleep apnea can predict mortality risk: study


Washington: It turns out that the duration of abnormal respiratory events may be a better predictor of mortality risk in women and men.

Obstructive sleep apnea is a temporary stopping of breathing during sleep. 19659003]

According to new research published in the American Journal of Respiratory Medicine and Critical Care Medicine, participants with short apneas and hypopneas (respectively stopped breathing and shallow breathing) were at greater risk of die after a decade of follow-up. ] "This result seems counterintuitive, as long periods of non-breathing could be expected to be more severe," said lead author Dr. Matthew P. Butler. "On the other hand, shorter periods of breath disruption indicate a low wakefulness threshold, which would be badociated with sleep fragmentation, high sympathetic tone, and increased risk of dizziness. hypertension."

Previous studies have shown that the apnea-hypopnea index, the most widely used measure of the severity of sleep apnea, is related to mortality and heart disease. However, according to recent research, the AHI remains a crude measure of the severity of sleep apnea and is not a good predictor of risk for women. now undergo the measure of the IAH.

They badyzed the records of 5,712 adults (aged 63 on average) who participated. This community study recruited an approximately equal number of men and women and followed them for up to eleven years.

The study found that participants with the shortest duration of breathing were 31% more likely to die, and this badociation was strongest in participants with moderate sleep apnea as measured by the time of day. ; IAH. In this group, the risk of death was increased by 59% among participants with the shortest breath.

The results showed that there may be several mechanisms allowing sleep apnea to increase mortality and to measure several features badociated with onset apnea. In particular, apneas of different types and durations of events can have adverse health consequences.

According to the researchers, these results suggest a phenotype of AOS that can be genetically encoded. They add that other studies have shown that the duration of respiratory events is very hereditary and that shorter abnormal respiratory events are more common in women.

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