At least 120 countries around the world require warning labels on cigarette packaging.
For example, gangrene or corpse feet. But the United States is missing from the list. Despite a 2009 Congressional Act ordering the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to put up pictorial warning labels, American cigarette packages still contain warnings containing only text. A new court order issued in September 2018 indicates that the FDA must accelerate its implementation schedule for pictorial warning labels.
New research from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania aimed to contribute to valuable research for this purpose. Researchers badyzed over 300 pictorial warning labels to determine the most effective features to encourage smokers to quit. They found that testimonial frames and images of diseased body parts were the most effective individual characteristics.
Better skin, more savings and other surprising benefits of refusing to smoke
June 11, 2018
Usually, want to smoke only lasts a few minutes. Whenever you feel the need to take a whiff, drink plenty of water to lessen the urge.
One of the main reasons for the urge to smoke is stress. So, avoid stress by practicing yoga and engaging in therapeutic activities such as dancing, gardening and practicing your favorite sport.
Quitting is the best thing for yourself. Quitting smoking can reduce the risk of cancer and various other diseases. However, Pooja Duggal, CEO of HealthHunt, shares five other benefits of refusing to smoke.
Jazmyne Sutton, lead author of the study, said, "Humans act in response to our emotions, when we feel a negative emotion – such as fear, disgust, etc. – we want to avoid the source of this emotion. "
The study "Perceived effectiveness of the objective characteristics of warning messages in pictures" was published in the publication Anti-smoking.
As part of the study, researchers collected more than 300 warning labels from a variety of sources to badyze the different features of pictorial warning labels. They used pictorial alert messages on cigarette packages in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom; Illustrative warning messages proposed by the FDA that have not been implemented; a set of anti-tobacco messages produced by tobacco companies; pictorial testimonial warning messages developed for an experimental study; and image ads used in various local and national campaigns.
World No Tobacco Day: Tobacco May Harm Eye, Bone and Brain
Thrill Kills
May 31, 2018
Most Smokers Are of the Opinion That Smoking Is Cool . No matter how you do it, tobacco is dangerous for your health. Tobacco contains more than 7,000 toxins and 70 known carcinogens (chemicals that increase the risk of cancer) and can damage almost any organ in the body.
Dr. Sachin Kumar, Senior Consultant in Respirology at Sakra World Hospital, explains how smoking affects all parts of your body.
The next time you will be tempted to try, take a break and think about the consequences of your indulgence.
Researchers identified 48 objective characteristics that could be included in advertisements, including the color of images. type of photo, presence of male or female characters, presence of medical equipment and type of argument. They then recruited nearly 1,400 smokers to view the ads and answer questions about their impact on ads.
The researchers hope that this study will provide label designers with generalizable guidance to create more effective, illustrated warning messages that will eventually impact attitudes to the drug. smoking and promote a change in behavior. In future studies, they will focus on the relationship between text on labels and graphic elements.
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