Social media can reduce depression in the elderly


Washington: A recent study has shown how the use of social media can cushion depression in older people with pain.

The researchers indicated that the use of social media can reduce the negative health effects of restricted social contacts. consequence of the pain.

The findings of the University of Michigan study are important in an aging society where social isolation and loneliness are key determinants of well-being, said Shannon Ang, lead author of the University of Michigan. study.

"Our findings could eventually be extended to other forms of conditions (eg, chronic diseases, functional limitations) that, like pain, also restrict physical activity at the same time. outside the home, "said Ang.

The data do not, however, distinguish between older social media types adults use – although 17 percent of them had used a social networking site in the past month. To determine whether the supposed benefits came from social media and not just from the general use of the Internet, the badysis was adjusted to account for various online uses, such as bill payment or Grocery, said Ang.

The results showed that the elderly suffering less were less painful. likely to participate in social activities that require face-to-face interactions, which offers mental benefits.

Social media can still preserve the cognitive function and psychological well-being of this population, the researchers said.

criticizes because the onset of pain can often lead to a downward spiral of social isolation and depression, resulting in adverse consequences for the health of the elderly, "concluded Ang.

The results appear in Journals of Gerontology, Series B.

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