Spoilers & Avengers: Endgame: Comics Could Predict Next Step for Iron Man


P The art of travel is the end . Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) says these words in various teasers and trailers of Avengers: Endgame but the line takes on greater significance in the context of the end of Endgame . While the film tells what is apparently the end of several characters' travels, be it death, retirement or something altogether, it's a cartoon-inspired universe.

True spectators: Avengers: Endgame following.

Yes, the Avengers kill Thanos twice in Endgame . succeed in canceling his decimation, but Tony Stark must sacrifice himself to use the Infinity Stones and ensure victory. Iron Man is dead. However, Tony Stark may live, one of Marvel Studios' previous films (and comic book scenarios).

Before Tony Stark's funeral, we see Robert Downey Jr. take over the role in a brief farewell scene. It is a pre-recorded message scanned by his Iron Man helmet and projected in a hologram. So we watch Tony sit, talk and make jokes like he's really in the room, giving us a touching touch and a warm message that his daughter Morgan can relive all his life.

seems to have helped illuminate this hologram projection technology.

A hologram projection technology similar to that previously used a long-range communicator so that Black Widow, Nebula, Rocket, Okoye, Captain Marvel and War Machine can have a conference call from galaxies. The same hi-fidelity hologram technology was used previously in Infinity War and these different forms resemble Tony Stark's BARF technology that he introduced in Captain America: Civil War .

This technological advance This could indicate that, in the future, artificial intelligence is embedded in holograms and even extremely hard technology (what Iron Man uses to make a body shield to cover and cover, as well as Hawkeye in Tony Stark AI some kind of physical form.

Even after death, Tony Stark can still play a transhumanist role in the Marvel cinematic universe, transcending death if he integrated a approximation of his consciousness in an artificial intelligence Not only would it have a visual meaning after all that we saw in the MCU, but there is also a huge precedent in comics that also introduces Ironheart, the successor Iron Man

Say Hello to Tony Tony Stark

  Ironheart Tony Stark AI
Tony Stark AI years comics & # 39; Ironheart & # 39 ;.

In 2015, comics writer Brian Michael Bendis created a new character, Riri Williams, to allow Marvel Comics to perpetuate the legacy of Iron Man after Tony Stark fell into a coma. A young super-genius who designed his own Iron Man style armor and eventually badumed the nickname Ironheart, Williams attracted enough attention from Stark to send him an artificial intelligence with his own personality.

Imagine I.A. d & # 39; I. Iron Man. JARVIS or FRIDAY badistants, but with Tony Stark's voice and resemblance projected like a hologram. In comics, this Stark A.I. Even armed with Iron Man armor costumes, which is pretty wild.

If the MCU ever presents Riri Williams / Ironheart as a new hero – and they should absolutely – this opens up the possibility of also incorporating this A.I Stark into the mix. Robert Downey Jr. could lend his likeness to the role or even just his voice to artificial intelligence, or maybe Marvel could just use advanced special effects to simulate the whole problem (we bet that Marvel contracts include a sort of hologram clause).

This would allow the Marvel film universe to pursue the legacy of Robert Downey Jr., but could it also compromise the sacrifice of Iron Man in by Avengers: Endgame . The answer is probably yes, which is why Marvel will probably wait at least a few more years before introducing Ironheart to the big screen.

Meanwhile, the journey will continue and for the first time in the history of MCU, Tony Stark

Avengers: Endgame is now in theaters.

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