Statistics show that vector-borne diseases are rampant, deny authorities – The New Indian Express


By Express News Service

VIJAYAWADA: While the monsoon has arrived in the state, communicable diseases such as malaria, dengue and chikungunya pose a greater threat to people. According to statistics from the National Program for the Control of Vector-borne Diseases (NVBDCP), 525 cases of dengue, 97 cases of swine flu and more than 2,200 cases of malaria were recorded in the state.

However, according to health department officials, no deaths due to malaria or dengue fever have been recorded in the state. Malaria fever is widespread among people living in coastal and remote areas, and dengue fever in semi-urban areas, due to lack of sanitation. The stagnation of rainwater acts as a catalyst for mosquito breeding, which still causes these fevers.

Officials claim that only the Elisa test will confirm the presence of Dengue and can not be reported as Dengue. At the same time, in an effort to control the spread of viral fever, the Ministry of Health is launching 90 mobile malaria and dengue vehicles in 13 districts of the country. These vehicles are intended for field activities in urban and rural areas. In each district, about 25 teams have been formed and a goal has been set to cover 35,000 people. Each team has a health worker, a health educator, a malaria control staff for surveillance and three municipal staff for vector control. One vehicle is badigned to four teams, which are expected to cover 1 to 1.5 million people

Teams must provide surveillance, treatment of malaria cases, control of mosquito breeding and activities health education. Public health officials say all drugs are available in the department for the control of malaria, dengue and chikungunya.

T Padmaja Rani, district and health doctor, said: "Because of the monsoon.With this, the viral fever will be creeping.As in all districts of the state, we have received instructions to identify hot spots and pay special attention to these areas. "

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