Stay out of this diet to prevent the progression of kidney disease | aptitude


A pro-inflammatory diet – which contains among other things red, processed meat and organ meat – is badociated with a higher risk of progression to chronic renal failure (CKD). The study was presented at ASN Kidney Week 2018 at the San Diego Convention Center

. The progression of chronic kidney disease may be accompanied by chronic inflammation. Tanushree Banerjee, of the University of California at San Francisco, and colleagues studied a sample of 1,084 adults with CRD in 11.1% of participants with 14-year renal failure

. found that people with a pro-inflammatory diet were at higher risk of developing kidney failure. "These results have implications for the prevention of renal failure using low-inflammatory potential dietary approaches," said Dr. Banerjee. "Nutritional interventions focused on reducing inflammatory aspects of the diet should be the focus of trials aimed at stopping the progression of the MRC."

Foods that have a positive relationship with inflammatory marker concentrations include tomatoes; fizzy drinks; vegetables other than green leafy vegetables and dark yellow vegetables; and processed meats, red meats, meat of organs and fish other than brown meat fish.

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First published: Oct 27, 2018 15:14 IST

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