Stem cell therapy is slowly changing in the city | Trichy News


Trichy: The city doctors who first practiced stem cell therapy to treat blood cancer and thalbademia, began slowly to do so for multiple degenerative diseases. In fact, city surgeons have stated that by using one of the stem cell varieties – mesenchymal stem cells – for transplantation, they have effectively treated osteoarthritis, Parkinson's disease , Alzheimer's disease, cerebral palsy and more. Stem cell therapy focuses on the repair and regeneration of organs, instead of trying to replace them.

According to orthopedic surgeon Dr. V Ravi, who is one of the partners of the Cell Cell Regeneration Center (MCRC) in Trichy, regenerative medicine has never been in the mind allopathic physicians until stem cell research is done. "Initial research has focused primarily on one type of stem cell – hematopoietic stem cells – that are used to treat cancer and thalbademia.This is only when doctors became aware of mesenchymal stem cells, that they understood the real potential of stem cell therapy, "Ravi told TOI. He has performed therapy for more than 100 people in the city's private hospitals over the past two years.

"The advantage of mesenchymal stem cell transplantation is that, in most cases, it is not necessary to administer stem cells to a donor. Instead, a patient's own stem cells can be taken and transplanted for regeneration. He said the therapy also proved effective for several patients in the city, who had a diabetic ulcer.

Although still being practiced on patients in Trichy, scientists and a small group of doctors conducting stem cell research say the therapy could help treat regenerative heart disease, liver disease and kidneys. .

Experts said the prevalence of stem cell therapy is still minimal in the city, but has evolved slowly in recent years. Some claimed that the central government's complicated guidelines regarding the use of stem cells for transplantation and the reluctance of many physicians to distance themselves from the traditional practice of allopathic medicine were the main ones. reasons why cell therapy is not common in the city. .

Another reason why stem cell therapy is not practiced by many doctors is that it requires adequate infrastructure. "When it comes to mesenchymal stem cells, it has to be grown in. For example, our body could only have a certain number of stem cells and, to get the required amount, it has to be This will require more infrastructure, "said Dr. Sankaranarayanan of MCRC.

Number of records in DATRI for stem cell donation (by city)


Number of people who registered for stem cell donation









Diseases Trichy Cell Therapy

1. Leukemia

2. thalbademia

3. L & # 39; osteoarthritis

4. Parkinson's disease

5. Alzheimer's disease

6. Cerebral palsy

Two types of stem cell donations

1. Donation of bone marrow stem cells: Stem cells are taken directly from the bone marrow; Anesthesia is given for this particular procedure.

2. Peripheral blood stem cell donation (common type of donation): A drug is given to the donor by injection for three to five days to release bone marrow stem cells to peripheral blood flow. Later, it is collected from the vein. After that, the stem cell is separated from the blood and this is again administered into the donor.

Ideal age limit for giving stem cells: 18 to 50 years

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