Supplements May Cause Heart Disease


People usually take vitamin supplements

instead of consuming a healthy diet of fresh fruits and vegetables or skipping meals because of work schedules to improve overall health . Vitamin supplements do not prevent cardiovascular problems.

A new study by a group of biologists and physicians has badyzed the relationship between multivitamins and mineral supplements and the risk of certain cardiovascular problems . The researchers, after badyzing more than two million people in five countries for an average of 12 years, suggested that vitamins and minerals do not prevent heart attacks, strokes, or deaths from heart disease.

to three decades, they burst those pills thinking that multivitamin and mineral supplements do not prevent cardiovascular disease and there is no data to support that taking multivitamins will reduce your heart risk.

Joonseok Kim said that in his opinion, these study results help decrease the hype around multivitamin and mineral supplements and encourage people to adopt a healthy diet.

This will encourage people to use proven methods to reduce their risk. cardiovascular diseases such as eating more fruits and vegetables, exercising and avoiding smoking and going out in the sun, because naturally available vitamins are better for health rather than supplements. Before you start taking over-the-counter multivitamins or antioxidant pills you should consult a doctor.

There is no substitute for good nutrition rather than fresh fruits and vegetables and regular exercise. The regular lifestyle modification in the form of 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day, a healthy diet, reduction of smoking, blood sugar control and blood pressure are the most important.

Despite a healthy diet, iron level and lower vitamins and deficiency occurs in the blood. The patient who is suffering from a deficiency should consult a doctor before starting any supplement. The patient has a severe blood loss or malabsorption syndrome he will not be able to follow an oral diet, so these supplements should be added after consultation.

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