Survey reveals that 50% of US users do not know who owns WhatsApp


Everyone probably knows companies such as Facebook and Google, but did you know that they actually own a considerable number of popular services and software that you may use daily? For those who follow the technical news, it is likely that you are aware of this, but a recent survey revealed that many people did not know it.

A recent survey conducted by DuckDuckGo revealed that 50% of US users surveyed do not know who WhatsApp belongs to, and that 60% of surveyed users also do not know who owns Waze. For those who do not know, WhatsApp belongs to Facebook (acquired as part of a transaction valued at $ 19 billion), while Waze belongs to Google. So what's the problem if you do not know who these companies belong to?

According to DuckDuckGo, "This means that a majority of Americans who use WhatsApp and / or Waze do so without realizing that their information, that it is acting routes, travel times, messages, photos or location data, are confidential to Facebook (for WhatsApp) and Google (for Waze). "

This means that for those who want to delete their Facebook accounts or hide their location from Google, the use of applications and services such as WhatsApp and Waze means that your information is always sent to these companies. DuckDuckGo had also previously conducted a survey that revealed that more than 50% of adult US users did not know that Facebook had Instagram, while 44.6% did not know that Google owned YouTube either.

. Learn more about Facebook and Whatsapp.

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