Sweet fragrant geranium: Benefits of this flower and this essential oil for health


A study conducted by researchers from the Department of Medical Oncology and the Department of Health Sciences Research of the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA, revealed that that the nasal spray with sesame oil seemed to improve the results reported by the patients. nasal symptoms badociated with cancer treatment. Nasal vestibulitis is a condition in which the lining of the nose becomes red, swollen and tender after a bacterial infection. This is considered a common side effect of cancer drug therapy. According to experts, any infection in this area and the network of blood supply in this area facilitate the transmission of any infection to the brain. This oil is a blessing to alleviate the symptoms of this painful condition. But that's not all that pink geranium oil can help you with. There are many other uses of sweet geranium. Here are some of them:

Acne: Geranium oil can help control oil production and hence it can be very helpful in preventing acne and rashes.

Stress and Pain: Fighting stress and depression and helping relieve hormonal problems. You can also relieve knee pain, body aches and back.

Dry skin during pregnancy: The application of sandalwood oil and geranium with rose oil and ylang-ylang, l & # 39; Wheat germ oil and sesame oil is a good mbadage oil for your entire body. You can even apply this oil on your bad and gently pull them forward to keep them soft and avoid bad retracted and chapped while badfeeding.

To delay the appearance of wrinkles: The germanium oil infiltrates directly through your skin and can enhance your beauty. They have powerful moisturizing properties that will give the skin a radiant, radiant, wrinkle-free appearance.

To keep mosquitoes away: Geranium is also known as a mosquito. This is known to keep mosquitoes away.

Posted on October 31, 2018 12:09 PM | Updated: October 31, 2018 at 12:12 pm

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