Swimming for weight loss, here's how to get the most out of the best exercise to lose weight fast | aptitude


In the quest to get in shape and optimize weight loss diet and exercise are considered of paramount importance. In terms of exercise, we often focus on bodybuilding or cardio, or even for walks and jogging, but swimming rarely comes to our workout routine. It may be because many believe that it does not burn too many calories and will not help you lose pounds. Fitness experts, however, say swimming for weight loss is one of the best exercises you can do.

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Swimming is actually a great aerobic activity all around that has a lot of benefits. It offers a complete body workout and tones your muscles, as well as endurance. It is also great for your cardiovascular health. Being a low-impact activity, it does not harm the joints and can be very helpful for people suffering from arthritis or injuries that can not run. It is also a safe exercise for pregnant women. And, of course, it's a fat fat burner. "An hour of swimming can burn up to 400 calories or more if done vigorously.The resistance equipment can make training even more intense," says Payal Kothari, integrative nutritionist. [Traduction] [Traduction libre] 30 minutes of swimming, you can burn 350 calories, says Carlyne Remedios, group leader, clinical practices and nutrition, Dr. Muffi's Institute of Digestive Health. "It can also help you stay flexible, reduce inflammation and to relieve depression and stress, "she says.

Wondering how swimming helps you lose weight, especially since it does not help you reduce the blemish "As it uses all muscle groups (big and small), it can result in faster weight loss than other exercises." Swimming with resistance is harder than being on the treadmill. You can increase and decrease the intensity without stressing the body. It helps burn more calories and works the core to continually burn more belly fat. And doing some crunches after swimming could help tone the abdominals, "says Kothari

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Swimming also has after-burn, so that calories are burned even after swimming. "You increase muscle mbad, which increases your metabolism and helps you burn fat even without exercising," says Remedios. But, keep in mind, the diet is of great importance if you chose swimming as your main workout. "You can not eat too many calories if your goal is to lose weight with swimming," says Kothari.

To strengthen and tone your abdominal and abdominal muscles and to lose weight, try badstroke, freestyle, sidetroke, butterfly and back. For beginners, it is best to start with 30 minutes of moderate intensity swimming 3-5 times a week, while regular swimmers can practice for an hour.

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