The actor Disha Vakani, better known as Dayaben from the Taarak comedy series Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, will not return in the series and will likely be replaced by a new actor. Producer Asit Kumar Modi confirmed the same thing.
Asked about a month's notice to Disha about his return to the series, Modi told NDTV in a report: "We have always been very cooperative from the beginning. We wait for her very patiently after the birth of her daughter. We gave him a lot of space, but we also have to organize the show. We can not wait for any one until the infinite. The character of Daya must go back to Golkuldham society. If she can not come back for personal reasons, we will have no choice but to replace her. "
" Regarding this notification, we did not send such an ultimatum to Disha. The show will continue with other actors. It's time for her to make a decision and inform us, "he added.
Mayur Vakani, Disha's brother, plays Sundarlal on the show and will continue to be part of it.
Modi had previously told BollywoodLife.com in response to rumors that Disha would leave the series. "Probably true, I do not know the final decision, my team is talking to her," he said.
However, a report from Spotboye had various reasons for leaving. According to the report, Disha had set up difficult conditions for his return, ranging from a rise in taxes to changes in work schedules. She received 1.25 lakhs per episode before, but she apparently would have asked for 1.50 lakhs per episode, which the creators were not prepared for.
Day says that "being with you, it's like being on stage"
In 2015, Disha tied the link with Mayur Pandya business man. Akbar.
The directors of the series also suffered a huge shock with the death of the actor Kavi Kumar Azad, who played the role of Dr. Hansraj Hathi. He died of mbadive cardiac arrest last July. Actor Nirmal Soni was later incarnated for the role.
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First publication:
March 27, 2019 9:18 PM IST
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