Talks between the cement and the unions on the new wage settlement that must take place today


Talks between the cement and the unions on the new wage settlement

In the middle of a period of hardship and excess capacity, the new four-year national wage negotiations between cement producers and unions will take place on Friday in Chennai . 19659003] India Cements' Vice President and General Manager, N Srinivasan, who has successfully managed previous wage settlements since 1992, was this time authorized by the Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA) to deal with unions on the new regulations. salaries. The new wage regulations will come into force on April 1, 2018.

Some of the cement plant representatives under Srinivasan's leadership will begin talks with leaders of politically affiliated unions such as INTUC, AITUC, CITU, BMS. , HMS and DMK here in Chennai on Friday. It is gaining importance at a time when the production capacity of the cement industry has increased from 25 million tons in 1992 to 400 million tons currently.

The new wage regulations should cover more than 1.2 million workers. Over the years, all the former settlements went on peacefully and ensured industrial harmony with regard to the cement sector, said N Srinivasan. The wage settlement was equal to all workers in factories and states and this time too, we hope the settlement will be as simple as the last time, he added.

It can be remembered that there has been a 6,000-month increase in base salary to all factory workers in the wage settlement that took place in 2014. With the exception of Other benefits, a worker would have earned nearly 10,000 per month in the fourth year of school, he added.

is not as pink as before. He has just started searching. The industry hopes that demand will increase in the coming days during the year. As I have been entrusted with the hard work as before, it will be a difficult task for me to deal with the unions and I believe that at least four to five sessions will be required to ensure a peaceful wage bargaining, "Srinivasan said. 19659003] According to him, the member companies that participated in the previous wage negotiations implemented the recommendations accordingly and the non-participants, including some of the multinationals, also followed us to implement the same salaries over the years. The cement industry is the kindly paying master.

He said that in 1992, workers earned a monthly salary increase of 600, then 890 in 1996. In 2000, the increase was 2000 and was 1,550 in 2005. The rise in wages has further increased to 3,500 per month in the salary settlements of 2010 and then to 6,000 in the 2014 wage settlement. These increases were on the base salary.

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