Teeth loss in the elderly related to malnutrition


A new study warns older adults with only 10 to 19 teeth to be at higher risk of malnutrition

. These patients also had higher rates of weight loss, lower appetite, and increased risk of dementia and / or depression, and serious illnesses than those with normal nutritional status.

The results also show that older adults also present a risk of deteriorating oral health.

"The mouth is the way of entry for the consumption of food and liquids.If its integrity is impaired, the functional ability of an individual to consume an adequate diet may be affected", said Rena Zelig, senior author of Rutgers University in the United States.

In addition, the researchers stated that dental clinics were the ideal place to perform nutritional status screenings because they could identify patients who do not regularly consult a primary health care provider and who may be at risk of malnutrition.

"patients with references to dietitians and community badistance programs such as Meals on Wheels to prevent new declining nutritional status, "said Zelig.

The study, published in the Journal of Aging Research and Clinical Practice, badyzed the s medical records of 107 elderly citizens treated from age 65

The results showed that 20.6% of participants were at risk of malnutrition and 4.7% were undernourished.

In addition, more than 87% of them were partially or totally missing teeth

but more in-depth studies were needed to examine the relationship between tooth loss and the risk of malnutrition and the impact of loss of teeth on diet and eating behavior. According to the researchers, the quality of life is linked to the quality of life.


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