Testosterone leads men to desire luxury products: study


Men with increased levels of testosterone have a greater preference for products that are considered status symbols, according to a study.

Published in the journal Nature Communications, the study found that one of the main functions of testosterone is to generate both status search and status protection behaviors.

"In the animal kingdom, testosterone promotes aggression, but aggression is at the service of status," said Colin Camerer of the California Institute of Technology in the United States.

"Many human behaviors are repetitive behaviors in our Thus, here we are replacing physical aggression with some kind of" consumer "aggression, said Camerer

The Study included 243 male volunteers aged 18 and 55 who were randomly selected to receive a dose of testosterone gel or placebo gel that would absorb through their skin.

They were sent home and asked to return to the laboratory about four hours later, when testosterone levels in their blood would be close to the maximum

in tasks designed to gauge their preferences for different types of goods.

The first task presented participants with a scale of 10 points that had a mark badociated with a high social status at one end and a mark with a lower social status.We asked them to move a cursor to the mark They preferred with the proximity of the cursor to the mark, which indicates the strength of their preference.

Data collected by the researchers during this task showed that men who received a dose of testosterone had a stronger preference for luxury brands than men who received the placebo.

The second task was designed to unravel the effect of testosterone on the luxury desire of other potential effects. as an increased desire for high quality products or for products that evoke a sense of power.

The task presented the study participants with a series of advertisements for consumer goods such as a car, a pair of sunglbades or a coffee.

Participants were randomly presented with one of three versions of an advertisement for each article, each version of the announcement focusing on quality, luxury or the power of the object.

After reviewing the announcement, they were asked to rate their attitude towards this item on a scale of 1 to 10.

Data from this task – as for the first task – showed that Men were receiving a dose of testosterone Researchers said that the preference for luxury products was stronger than that of men who received the placebo.

There was no corresponding increase in preference for products that were advertised as powerful or of superior quality,

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